Chapter 11- The Fairy Tale ball

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" let's have a summer ball!" Tamaki yelled, jumping up from the pink couch he sat on.

" okay" I growled, glaring at him "but what will the theme be?"

" why, Fairy Tale , of course!" He said with a dashing smile abd a wave of his hand. " everyone will have to dress up as a fairy tale character! and whoever wins best costume, will get a kiss on the cheek!"

I sweatdropped, hes smarter than I thought!

I raised my hand " and shall I invite my customers as well?"

Kyoya fixed his glasses with a smirk, " of course, this is a now, required Host activity"

" of course ...." I muttered, pulling out my planner " of course..."

I grabbed a pen and waited for Tamaki to announce the date of the ball and the planning days, what can I say? I like to be prepared!

" When will this ball go on, Kessaku?" Tamaki asked me with a bow

I blushed " what? I don't know! your the king or whatever right?""

Tamaki gushed and glomped me " sge called me king! my beautiful daugh-"

He was cut off by the sound of his kingly face being smashed into the floor.

" don't touch me"I I growled, putting a foot in his head.

" wow, the boss isn't very strong" the twins stage whispered in unison " he got beat by a girl"

" I am to strong!" Tamaki yelled, waving his arms in the air " Kessaku's just really strong! "

" you know it"i I said with a smirk, stepping off if Tamaki's head.

" anways" I shrugged my shoulders " what day is the ball going to be on?"

" How about next Saturday?" Kyoya asked, typing away on his pinapple laptop " what do yku think of that?"

" sounds great, Senpai" I said woth a smile " and planning days?"

" Monday, Wendsday and Friday " Kyoya shut the laptop and looked at Tamaki. " your in charge, Kessaku, because our fearless leader can't"

I gave him a thumbs up " sounds great!"

" b-but- " Tamaki stuttered, holding his teddy bear tightly

I pouted and pretended to cry" but daddy, you never let me plan!"

Tamaki glomped me and shook me around " okay, daughter dearest! you can plan!"

I shoved Tamaki off and jumped up. " let the planning Begin!"

---- Wendsday -----

" alright! Day 2 of Planning has officially begun" I announced, snapping my planner shut and pointing at Tamaki " alright senpai, how are the costumes coming?"

" the seamstresses will finish by tomorrow for surr" he replied happily " I guarentee!"

" great! Kyoya? advertising?" I asked , checking the list

He pushed his glasses up with a smile " my famoly's police force just finished putting them up"

" okay, Mori and Honey, the food?"

I questioned, checking Kyoya's name off " is it, tasty enough"

" Absolutely!" Honey yelled from atop Mori's shoulders

" yeah" Mori muttered, he os absolutely emotionless...

" alroght... Hikaru and Kaoru? the setting?" I chewed on the end of my pencil, hoping they had it done ..

Prodigy and Policy- a Kyoya Otori love story!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя