Chapter 5- The current situation

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Prodigy and Policy

Chapter 6

Today, Friday, was just as boring and typical as every other day this week. Haruhi and I were planning on having a little sleepover and watching movies all night, so we had opted to skip the club today and head home early.

However, Tamaki seemed to have other plans.

Just as we left the building, the twins snatched us up far too easily, and pulled us into a limo.

Oh my God, did they really wanna meet my friends this badly?

That, of course, wasn't the case. We ended up driving for nearly half an hour before ending up at some kind of miniature resort.

The twins led the way inside, already starting to unbutton their uniforms. Haruhi and I exchanged a glance before heading inside. I was, honestly, pretty damn surprised. It really was a mini resort, with pools and trees and all that.

" where....are we?"

" This is a brand new theme park. my family, The Otori group runs. it's called the Tropical Aqua Garden" I glanced over to see Kyoya in a pair of swim trunks, sipping in a glass of what I supposed was down kind of juice or something.

I have to say, I wasn't surprised to see him wearing a shirt as well

" I don't understand, I thought the Otori group ran hospitals , and that their focused on the medical business, Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi questioned, while I had already left her side to explore a bit.

" yes, but my family likes to diversify and try different things"

Luckily, I was soon out of hearing range, so I didn't have to listen to some story about what the hell they had opened a resort for.

I soon made not way to some kind of changing room, and was surprised that it was filled with swimsuits in mannequins. Two maids ( I assume, from the looks of their clothes) soon rushed forward, proclaiming that I ' must be Haruhi' and was 'even prettier than they imagined'

I tried to protest, but ended up trying on about twenty swimsuits before finding one that fit. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not really lacking in the breast department, and that makes looking for a bathing suit quite the hassle.

They finally let me go, and I was quick to leave before they began getting other ideas.

I passed Haruhi and gave her a 'good luck' look, before heading out to just lie in the sub. That was definitely what I needed right now. Of course, the moment I stepped out, Hani-senpai begged me to come swim with him into the current pool. I simply couldn't refuse, and joined him with a grin.

Well, if I'm going to be held here against my will, I might as well have fun with it.

I mean, I can't actually swim, but the current pool was shallow enough to where u could stand flat-footed. Had it been any deeper, I would have flat-out refused.

No matter how cute Hani is.

I spent much if the time just relaxing, letting the current push against me for a bit. It was still pretty strong for a current pool, but I managed to stay standing.

I stayed in for a while, surprised to see Renge had tagged along as well, going on about how she was cosplaying or something. Annoying as she is, she's got a pretty nice body.
But not, like, in a gay way.

It seemed Tamaki and the twins had gotten into some kind of water gun war over Haruhi's swimsuit ( I never got to see it either, considering she kept the sweatshirt on until she got home. Such a shame, I'll bet she was cute ) , so I started to get out to both take a look at Haruhi's suit and to join them. However, just as I did, a huge wave loomed over me, washing Hani and I away.

I'll be honest, I kind of passed out for a moment there, but wasn't out of fear.

I wasn't scared.

It seemed like forever before the current finally calmed down and let me get a breath. I was quick to stand up and get out, hardly caring where I was or if Hani-senpai was even with me. He may look like a child, but I'm sure he can take care of himself.

I allowed myself a bit to calm down. Kyoya wasn't lying when he said everything here was authentic. ( I may have eavesdropped a tad before my expedition) Even the waves were far too realistic.

Finally, I stopped acting like some kind of idiot and managed to find a map. God, it was impossible to read.

I wish Kyoya were here, he'd be able to explain it...

I sighed, pushing the thought from my mind, reminding myself of how he'd treated Renge. No matter how nice he'd been before, or how nice he'd pretend to be, I couldn't just forget about something like that.

Hell, if I asked for help, us be the next to get called a pest, and I knew damn well I wasn't.

I eventually decided to wing it, and braced myself before entering the jungle- just as it started raining.

Wow, just my luck.

Another fifteen minutes or so later, the rain finally stopped, but it didn't help me navigate much. There was still only plants and trees everywhere.

Finally, I heard something that at least sounded like voices, and was far too relieved when I emerged into a clearing filled with dead bodies.

I was surprised, if course, but realized that they were simply hurt, and were soon Bowing to none other than Hani-senpai. I was, I'll admit, pretty damn impressed.

" damn, Hani-senpai, did you do all this? Who are these assholes, anyway?" I questioned, receiving a rather detailed answer from Kyoya about how Hani and Mori were strong and doing some kind if martial arts. God, I'm tired of him knowing every damn thing In the world.

Tamaki suddenly emerged from the bushes and rushed over to Haruhi. Wow, I'd been so caught up listening to Kyoya's explanation of Hani and Mori's actual lives outside of the Host Club.

I was quick to stop Tamaki from hugging her, pulling her closer to myself in an attempt to simply protect her.

" I'm not sure what happened here, but at least they're still alive" one of the twins pointed out, poking one's face.

" it's hard to believe that this is Honey-senpai's work, he must've really been holding back" the other added.

Haruhi proceeded to ask what they meant, and received the same, if less detailed, explanation I had.

" Kessaku, I meant to ask if you were alright? The highest setting seems to be a little overpowered " Kyoya asked, wearing that usual shit-eating grin of his.

" so I see. I'm fine, anyway " I retorted, already following the others back to the entrance without so much as a smile. I wanted him to figure it out on his own, so maybe he could apologize to Renge or something.

As they left, I vaguely heard something about going to the beach. As in, where the ocean was.

Oh god, not now.

I don't need this kind of stress right now, really.

Haruhi gave me a knowing glance, as well as a smile, but that wasn't going to stop me from at least trying to get out of this.

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