Chapter 3 (Ivan's story)

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Ivan Black

1 month later

School is hell, life is hell, and society is unfair when Emily accused me of raping her everyone agreed with her and jump to her side to defend her especially a boy name Caleb later on in the week of the whole accusation they started dating which was really quick to me. They were gonna call the police but " ThE aNgEl EmIlY" yeah that's what everyone calls her now since she's " So SwEeT" she said not to but to give me community service or some bullshit like that. I was hurt, infuriated, pissed, and confused why would she do that? Just cause I didn't want to fuck her or cause I didn't feel comfortable or ready to do it? The worst part is that nobody believed me I went from a nobody to the most hated peeing in school basically.

I always get disgusting or scared looks from the girls and the boys would beat me up if I'm to close to there girl or if they wanna blow off some steam I even think the teachers and principal hate me too. I would notice I get test that we don't learn until the next week or so and my grades is slowly slipping to where I can almost get kicked out of school that's what I believe that's what there main goal is at this point and my family did not handle the news to well. When they heard about what had happen they kicked me out they didn't even let me get my stuff they looked at me disgusted Never show your face here you disgusting rapist my mother said she didn't even let me defend myself I beg her to rethink it over and how I am her son she slapped me and said Not only are you a rapist but you are a delusional person too!? I will never see you as a son because all the fights in the family started because of you, the bill is harder to pay because of you, I always come out as my worse self because of you I don't know what kind of bad luck charm you carry around but THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO HURT MY FAMILY THIS FAMILY NEEDS HAPPINESS IF YOU CARE ABOUT US YOU WOULD LEAVE AND NEVER SHOW YOUR FACE AGAIN! My mom basically screamed in my face I looked down holding in all my tears I even notice how she said "my family" or "this family" as if I'm not apart of this family.

I just wanted to be worthy of your time and love I said as my voice cracks I left and never looked back I kept walking till it was at least 12 o'clock I went in an alley way and slept there for the night each and every night. As I woke up on the cold concrete floor and the sun bright up I remember it is the weekend I was so glad I didn't want to deal with everyone at school and all I have to focus on is work and get myself some clothes, deodorant, and more stuff I will definitely need growing up. So I dusted off at much dirt off me and went to work smelling disgusting and dirty. As I walk in to do my shift my boss looked at me disgusted Hey Mr. Smith  I'm really need your help before I do my shift I said to him he looked at me nonchalantly and said straight to my face and said  I'm sorry to tell you this kid but we have to let you go we heard about what you do and that will look horrible in our store if we let you work here so I will ask you to leave and never come back again I was hurt and betrayed I begged him to change his mind but he just threw me out. This is it I was fully abandoned I went back to my alley way and try to make a home out of here.

Present day

Now that I'm out of the hell that is called school I walked to my alley way sneezing and coughing the weather has been getting worse and I have to I don't think my body can keep up as I was halfway there I started to see black dots and my head was killing me. My eyes could barely keep open soon enough I fell then I heard someone yell "OMG" and I hear running foot steps towards me and I feel my body  be carried then I soon enough blacked out. I open my eyes and felt a wet cloth on me and I felt a new fresh clothes on me I looked over and see a beautiful girl with dark ginger hair, with light skin, and beautiful hazel eyes she was beautiful. She looked at me and said "how are you feeling? Are you feeling any better? Are you thirsty at all?" I looked at her surprised and then I felt something warm and fuzzy inside it felt good it felt very comfortable.

Then I got out of my head and notice I just got kidnapped what the hell am I doing spacing out like that so I asked her in a dry and scratchy voice  What am I doing here? Who are you? She looked at me and smiled that smile feels so genuine and real it felt so nice then she said to me in a joyful tone " ok I'll answer your questions as long as you answer mine well of course if you feel comfortable too" I looked at her  shocked cause she was considering my feelings I never met someone who did something like that, I nodded my head to her statement and she smiled and said " I'm Lora Ice from the ice family and you are here cause you fainted on the side walk I saw you as I was in my limo now that I answer your question may you please answer mines". So I did what she asked and answer her questions I'm feeling a little more better than before and I do feel a little thirsty is it ok if I go get some water  as I scratched my throat she looked at me worried and said " No, stay in bed I will get some water and I will bring in some chicken noodle soup so you can feel better I also wanted to talk to you about something too".

I watched as she leaves out the room I am shocked at how she is towards me it feels gentle, considerate, and warm she gave him her undivided attention and felt worried about her and he didn't have to earn it or anything she consider how he felt he felt wanted and it felt amazing. As he kept thinking about Lora and her kindness he sees a boy at the door with dirty blond hair he looked at him disgusted and said As soon as your done playing your charade with Lora your out of here dirt boy.  As he smirked at me he walked off and a few minutes later Lora walked in with ice cold water and some medicine on the side.

"I brought these so your fever can slow down but I wanted to ask about your family and what's there number so they can pick you up your mom must be worried sick huh?" As she gave me a weak smiled as if she envied me why would she I am basically a bad luck charm. Well I don't really have a family right now so I'm kinda homeless right now I said to her embarrassed about not having a family she looked at me sad and said "I'm sorry I shouldn't have anything about your family may they Rest In Peace" I looked at her confused and started smiling which turn into giggles to laughter she looked at me confuse like I'm a crazy person. There not dead they just kicked me out because they thought I was a bad luck charm and there was a rumor going around my school my ex girlfriend made saying I raped her which I didn't no one believed me also got fired at my job too I said dying out of laughter but she kept looking at me horrified and sad at me then my laughter dialed down and I looked at her confused what's wrong? Are you ok Lora?

All she did shocked me she hugged me and said "Its ok you can let it out if you haven't already no one will judge you here even if they do I'll deal with them I won't let anyone hurt you again"  As she said that I felt my eyes watering I shouldn't be crying I'm a man. But I couldn't hold it in it hurt it all of it hurts so bad. WHY? Why wasn't I ever good enough to be loved?! Why do no one see me as someone worthy?! Why did no one believed me when I told the truth?! Why must I be the one to get hurt?! I JUST WANTED TO BE GOOD ENOUGH TO LOVE! WHY?!WHY?!WHY?! As I kept screaming soaking in her shirt he just hugged me and rubbed my back I felt so vulnerable, I felt so hurt, and tired of always trying to find the bright side in life. My eyes slowly drifted off as my cries slowly dialed down and drifted off to sleep.

Hi everyone ❤️ I hope you are doing amazing today I hope the chapter was good please give me some suggestions or some criticism on any of the chapters please and I hope you have a wonderful day bye love y'all bye ✌🏽 💕

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