Chapter 4 (Ivan Story)

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Ivan Black

I wake up feeling a lot more better and I feel my dry eyes and remember what happen last night about how I sad crying and letting all my emotions out to a complete stranger. Even though she is a stranger I just met I feel so comfortable with her, it's weird super weird. Right? As I was think of my situation I slowly get out of the bed and go towards the door to find Lora but as I walk out and started walking around her house I notice her house is really big. While I was looking for Lora and exploring her amazing house I hear three voices: One sounded like an old man, One sounded like that boy that came into my room when I was sick and ceased me dirt boy, and I think Lora voice.

Just when I was about to walk into the room I heard the voices in I heard the old man say My lady we can't keep some homeless dirt boy in here especially when he's a stranger he said in a angry but gentle way like he was talking to a toddler but then Lora responded " He doesn't have a home right now and he doesn't have the best situation with his family right now also do I have to remind you he's sick one more second out in the streets he would of died" she said angrily pleading to him. Who cares Lora dirt boy needs to go, I bet he even faked his little sickness because your mom is a wealthy person and " mY mOm AnD FaMiLy HaTe Me" is probably bullshit said the boy who was inside of my room earlier calling me dirt boy he sounded angry and annoyed. " Listen hunter you may be my best friend but if you keep calling Ivan a dirt boy and accuse him of lying I will personally kick you out of my house and never let you return again"  I was shocked at how angry Lora looked and sounded but I was confuse they were talking about me not her so why was she so mad? Was she mad cause they were talking about me? LoLo don't get mad at me cause I'm telling you the truth about your precious little dirt boy you found on the street and I heard some rumors about him you said his name is Ivan black right? I heard that he raped his last girlfriend I'm just trying to help you and keep you safe LoLo I'm worry about you and how your a little to nice to others as hunter say to Lora getting close to her and hugging her.

As I peak through the door and watch and heard about this and all I thought was  it's my fault that Lora is getting in trouble right now. If I wasn't here right now no one would be fighting right now, am I ruining this family too? I truly am bad luck huh, I should probably leave this place I don't wanna be a hassle to them. I slowly start to walk to my room and grab my book bag now all I need to do is find my my school close those are the only pair I have as I picked up my book bag my head started to hurt and I felt dizzy but I just try to shake it off that was until I heard someone walk into my room. " Ivan? What are you doing out of bed, your still sick ?" As she said worried and confuse so I smiled at her and said I'm feeling a lot more better actually so I'll get out of your hair and be on my way I smiled awkwardly at her.

"Are you sure? You still look really pale let me go get some chicken noodle soup" I was gonna tell her I'm good but then my stomach started rumbling I looked at her embarrassed. "Theirs nothing to be embarrassed by if your hungry just sit down and relax while I bring you a bowl" she said cheerfully, why am I so awkward? So I do as she said I mean I might as well get a good meal instead of a garbage meal tonight or begging people for food. As she bring in the try I see a bowl of soup which I'm guessing is chicken noodle soup, buttery bread, and another cold glass of water. My stomach growled with excitement as soon as she set it on the desk next to the bed I quickly started eating, I was starving it all tasted so good when I look up I see Lora smiling at me I looked down at my food embarrassed great I made a fool out of my self twice in front of her.

" Um Ivan I wanted to talk to you about something important" I looked at her concern and worried, she looked serious I wonder what she wants to talk about so I looked at her giving her my full attention and nodded confirming to her that I'm listening. She then breathed and breathed out and said something that shocked me "I want you to start living here if you feel comfortable to, it will also be for free so no charge and there is a job opening in here if u want work here for 200$ every hour and no your earnings will not go into you living here you don't have to work if you want to also but the choice is up to you" I sat there stunned, I was completely shocked at how she gave me a chance to get my life together I was so happy I quickly said yes I thanked her so much on her kindness every time I'm around her it feels so nice, I feel like I can relax around her, I feel like I can talk to her about anything I'm sad about. I don't know what this warm fuzzy feeling is but it feels nice, once Lora left I quickly finish my food and went into the bathroom(the room has an personal bathroom) I went into the closet and see some black clothes some of them were in my sizes so I wore some black sweat pants and a grey turtle neck sweater shirt. I sit in my bed relaxing as my eyes drifted into sleep.(It's not nighttime by the way he just taking a nap).

Hi everyone ❤️ I really hope you love this chapter, I know I said I will be trying to write more and this chapter is a little short but I have school tomorrow and I wanted to finish this chapter for you guys. I really hope you enjoy it and I hope you comment some good or bad constructive criticism or just comments for fun, anyways I hope you have a wonderful day and remember you are loved 👋🏽 💕

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