Chapter 8 (Ivan Story)

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Ivan Black

What hunter said to me stuck with me all day, does he mean what he said? If he did will I see my family? Would they even be happy to see me? Hey Ivan are you ok? Lora said to me concern, should I tell her what hunter said to me I mean I don't think it's a big deal but I just have a bad feeling about what he said let's just hope it's a bad feeling.

Yeah I'm fine lora don't worry about me I said in a nonchalantly voice you saying don't worry about you makes me worry about you now she said in a worried voice, god her voice is so beautiful and hearing how much she's worry about me makes me happy but why though? Why does hearing her be worry about me make me happy? I'm fine lora, really I said again more nonchalantly, she then relax a little more in trusting what I'm saying I'm glad that she trust me it made me have a warm feeling inside.

*Ding *Dong *Ding *Dong

I'll get I said to Lora running to the door as soon as I open it I saw a face I never thought I will ever see again. Mom........ I said sad and hurt. My baby boy oh how much I missed you she said hugging me squeezing me tight. Aww what a sweet family reunion hunter said clapping towards me with a smirk on his face. I see the invitation peaked your interest Mrs. Black? Hunter said grinning devilishly at me, my mom looked at him and said Why yes how could I possibly give up to see my "PRECIOUS" son she said smiling, is she really happy to see me? Does she regret what she did to me? I thought happily, I look over to the side and see Lora she looked confuse so I said to her quickly Hey Lora I know you might be confuse but this is my mom, mom meet Lora, Lora meet my mom I said happy and kinda embarrassed. Wait this your mom?! Lora said kinda mad. I wonder why though?

Hello everyone 💕 sorry I haven't posting that much school, time, and I kept procrastinating 😭 I will try next week since we have a week off but I have a test tomorrow and we get off school 😃 so pray for me please. Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day and remember you are always love

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