Return To The Pridelands pt. 9

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~Episode twenty: Return To The Pridelands~

~Part Nine~

(AU; no Lion Guard competition; Tree of Life)

Brown eyes stared as if expecting something to come back through the Pass with the hooting fanfare of Ullu's cheery hoot, but sadly nothing of that kind came to pass.

"Rani?.." the young Queen never broke her gaze.. but still she knew who it was who came to stand at her side.

"I know I shouldn't miss him as much as I do.." Rani said, her gaze wandering down then up to her Royal Mjuzi. "But I do."

"Are you kidding? Of course you're allowed to miss him!" Makini told her, placing a hand on her queen's shoulder and then lifting her hands to the air as she spoke. "I miss them too.." she touched her chest while her other hand found Rani's shoulder again. "It was really hard to say goodbye to Kion and the Lion Guard, but.. it's like you and Janna said.. maybe they'll come back to the Tree of Life again."

"I know.." Rani sighed, then took a deep breath.. "You're right.. let's go find the others.. we'll be needing to take a rest soon.. since now we have two patrols to do.." the two turned from the Mountain Pass, and started heading back toward the Tree of Life, hoping to leave their feelings behind.


"Oh man, how exciting!" They heard Baliyo gasp, as they proceeded into the Tree's inner room.

"Magnificent." Surak commented, both smiling at something just beyond them. And since their backs were to them, Rani and Makini didn't have long to find out what they were referring to.

Nirmala lay in her place atop the stone slab of a throne, and they could swear they saw Queen Janna in her at that moment. Focusing with her head in line with her shoulders and eyes gently closed, Nirmala seemed to make the glowing aura of the Tree's backdrop pulse brighter and even change colors a little bit.

"Woah.." Rani marveled. "Great work, Nirmala.. You're really getting the hang of connecting with the Tree's essence.. Just like grandmother Janna." The last part of her sentence was lightened by the fond memory, even though pain still weighed her heart toward the ground as much as it ever had.

"Thank you." Nirmala smiled, nodding her head graciously. "But I think you should be very proud of yourself too.. you've done well since Kion and the Lion Guard left.."

"Not as well as if they were here." Rani sighed wandering away a little to leave them behind her.

"Aww come on, sis..." Baliyo encouraged lightly, edging toward her to try and peer around at her concealed face from the short distance that separated them. "We did say they might come back again."

"And you know they have a duty to return home.." Surak reminded her, joining Baliyo as their young queen turned to face them. "Just as you have yours here."

"And when they do.. we will welcome them with every bit of celebration we can give them." Nirmala went on. "But for now.. You've got a lot to feel good about, Queen Janna would be proud."

"I know,.. and thank you.. I appreciate hearing that.." Rani answered softly.. "I guess I'll just have to get used to them not being here."

"I'm sure you'll be able to with time.." Surak told her. "But for now?.. Let's get some rest for our patrol.."

"Yes,.. that's.. actually what Makini and I were coming to remind us to do." the young queen ventured, slightly taken aback by the fact that they recognized this fact without her saying so.

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