Episode Five: Marsh Of Mystery

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~Episode six: Marsh of Mystery~

(Shortly before the events of the episode)

Squelch! Paws and feet disrupted the murky surface of the squishy, watery ground.

"Ugh! How did we go from cold and snow.. to this?" Fuli complained, shaking the mud off her paws, as they waded through the muddy marsh around them.

"Landscapes do change from one place to another." Ono informed her. "It's kinda common knowledge really."

"Fascinating, Ono." Fuli grumbled unhappily, ears laid back and head hung low.


(first mongoose attack)

"Hey pick on someone your own size!" Bunga challenged, grabbing the strange little creature by the scruff of its neck to stop it from going after Beshte again. "Gotta admit these guys got spirit."

The creature flailed about before landing a blow to the honey badger's chest aiding in his escape.

"Maybe too much." Bunga followed up with this, holding his chest with an amused grin.

"We gotta try to talk them down.." Kion decided. "Find out why they're so upset with us." At that moment one of them launched itself onto Kion's face to which the lion raised a paw to rip them away. The little creature hit the squishy ground and Kion growled deeply, edging forward and lowered his head.

"Relax Kion." Fuli reminded him, coming to him quickly.

"Oh.. right." The young leader realized, softening up again. "Thanks." The cheetah returned a proud nod, when suddenly a fast-moving spot of brown whisked between them.


(Makini and Ono after falling into hole)

Blurred vision became a light, shining directly down on him.. like some kind of spotlight; beckoning him to awaken. Ono groaned lightly..

What happened? His mind wondered, and that fleeting thought was halted; by a pair of big blue eyes now staring down at him.

"Oh.. good,.. you're ok." Makini breathed, thankful to see his eyes coming out from under his eyelids.

"*groan* not quite sure that ok is the right word." Ono groaned once more. And moments later Makini took his wings and helped him up to his feet again, then they discovered the strange look of the room in which they now resided.

"Where are we?" Makini wondered as they both peered around the darkness.


(after fight with Mongooses, realizing Makini and Ono are missing)

"Where are they?" Kion wondered aloud, hoping someone had an answer. But to his disappointment.. silence remained with the mystery.

"*crunch* Maybe they headed back the way we came in?" Bunga suggested loosely, through mouthfuls of snails.

"Gotta admit.. He may be onto something there." Fuli said, turning to Kion with an oddly amused smile.

"Worth a try.. let's try heading back the way we came.." Kion decided. "Anga, see if you can find them from above?"

"K, but.. which way do you think they went in?.." The martial eagle wondered. "They could've gone in any direction, not just back the way we came.."

"Make it a vicinity check.." Kion instructed. "Anywhere within a short distance of us in every direction might help us figure out which way they went."

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