Return To The Pridelands pt. 13

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~Episode twenty: Return To The Pridelands~

~Part thirteen~

(AU; no Lion Guard competition; continued)

"Hoo hoo! Rani!" Ullu called, flapping through the forest toward them.

"What is it, Ullu?" The young queen wondered immediately. "Are Kion and the Lion Guard back? -Are the predators back?"

"Um.. no.." the owl wavered regretfully after she'd landed. "It's just.. there's an animal that needs your attention at the Tree of Life.. Something about a.. special request."

"*sigh* ok." Rani sighed in her disappointment. "I'm on my way. Surak, Nirmala, Baliyo,.. continue the patrol?"

"Of course," Surak nodded, making it seem more like a small bow than anything.

"Hmm.. funny how that is the first thing you think of when Ullu comes calling now." Nirmala mentioned with a smirk even as her leader turned to leave. But hearing this, Rani stopped and lifted her head in surprise, and while no one would see how her face lit up as well, they could just imagine and internally laugh.

"Why is that funny?" Rani wondered curiously.

And all Nirmala did was slightly shrug, letting her eyes slightly lift to give off a wayward subtlety to her meaning.

Rani just gave her a confused look, before slowly peeling herself away toward the Tree.

Then as the rest of the Night Prise turned front to continue on their way, they noticed that Ullu was still there.

"Um.. anything else, Ullu?" Nirmala wondered loosely.

"Actually,.. yes." The owl replied, her eyes wandering back to her right a little as she wavered a bit more. Then a certain egret hopped out through the bushes.

"Ono?!" The three lions breathed.

"I knew there was something more to this request." Surak beamed.

"What are you doing here?" Nirmala asked, leaning down to the egret's level.

"Well.. it's a long story.." Ono hesitated unsure of how to begin. "But listen.. we don't have much time.. and I need to stay out of sight while we put everything together."

"Everything?" Nirmala echoed, lifting her head again.

"What exactly are we supposed to be doing?" Baliyo wondered. "And you still haven't told us why you're here."

"Let's just say we're making a big change." The egret replied.

"How can we help?" Surak asked, as he came forward a bit more.

"Kion's already given me orders,.." Ono informed them. "He's got it all worked out.. All we need to do is implement it. Ok so, here's the plan.."

Then gathering in close, the three lions listened carefully to the plan.


"So how do you think they'll react?" Baliyo wondered, as they strode through the trees.

"My hope is that they'll tell me how to deal with all of this while figuring out how to be queen and leader of the Night Pride at the same time.." Rani sighed. "It's a lot, when it's just you who has to lead everything."

"I wish I could take some of that from you." Baliyo mumbled sadly, and he really felt like he meant it.

"Thank you, little brother." Rani smiled, doubling back to face him. "But I also understand that this is my place in the Circle of Life.. just as it was Makini's to stay here at the Tree of Life as my Royal Mjuzi.." her smile remained thoughtfully, as she continued. "I'm sure there's a reason for all this.. and I'd like to think Grandmother Janna was right about me being ready for this.. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.. Kion obviously seemed to think so.."

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