Episode Fourteen: Poa The Destroyer

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~Episode fifteen: Poa The Destroyer~

(Kion's healing session; frogs?)

"Alright Kion.. for today's healing session." Nirmala began, as she led Kion through the trees to one in particular. "I've enlisted some friends to help."

"Um.. ok.." Kion wavered, curious to know what this meant.

"Alright, then let's get started." Nirmala beamed. "But first?.. I need you in that tree?" And she gestured her head to the branch of the tree in front of them.

"Um.. ok?" he responded again, cocking his head in confusion. But approaching the tree, he placed his paws up onto it, and hesitated only a moment longer before clawing his way up to the overhanging branch. Straddling his weight as he reached the level he needed, the young Lion Guard leader carefully crawled forward onto the branch and laid there to adjust his footing to a more comfortable stance to stay balanced a little easier.

"Ok?.. now what?" Kion wondered.

"Now?.. We meet our little helpers." Nirmala answered. A sensation on his shoulder earned his attention as two small eyes smiled with a small round face.

"Hello." The small green creature greeted.

"Uhhh..?" Kion breathed in surprise. Another one of those feelings followed a couple more, one on his foreleg another on his head. And when it spread to his back, he made the mistake of whipping his head around.

"What?!..wa..oh!" And soon he found himself lying on his back with a swirling head, and many small eyes staring down on him; even beginning to giggle a bit as Nirmala's face came to stare down on him.

"Perhaps I should've introduced you, before sending you up there." She told him thoughtfully, possibly even restraining her own amusement of this reaction.

"Auuuhn.." Kion moaned, dropping his head.


(Fuli's run?)

"*deep sigh* What a relief it is to really stretch my legs." Fuli sighed, sprinting across the open plains.

"Hm.. I could almost get used to this." She added, building up speed.


(Anga and Ono's adventure)

"Isn't it great Anga?" Ono marveled. "Being high up? Seeing everything down to the very smallest detail! While feeling the wind against your feathers.. And under your wings?"

"Yup!" The martial eagle smiled. "Too bad you won't ever see things the way you used to anymore." And with this statement, she sighed after a moment's thought.

"Yes.. but.. at least I can see clearly again, everything's not a big haze all the time." The egret reasoned. "And Kion said I'll always be on the Lion Guard, so.. I guess that's all that matters, right?"

"Sure." Anga complied. "I'm really glad you're up here with me again."

"Me too." Ono smiled to his friend. And they flew on together, scouring the beautiful lands merged together by the Tree in the center of it all.


(Bunga and Binga's honey badger challenge?)

"Ok Binga.." Bunga began challengingly, as they stared one another in the face from across the stump table with a giant bowl of bugs on it.. "Ready.. For the Ultimate bug stuffing contest?"

"You're on!" The female honey badger bellowed.

"Remember.. We can't eat the bugs this time." Bunga reminded her. "We just wanna stuff as many of em in our mouths as we can,.. And whoever can hold the most bugs.. Wins!"

"Alright! I got it, can we go now?" Binga interjected.

"Ok, fine.." Bunga shrugged dryly. "One.. two.. three.. Go!" Diving into the bowl with their faces, they pulled away to start grabbing bugs and stuffing them into their cheeks,.. one after another. As they're jaws got fuller and fuller, it became harder and harder to stuff more in, but as long as the other one kept going, so did they! Bunga stuffed one last bug in his mouth and tried to force his lips down over it all, while Binga stuffed a few more. But eventually their task of trying to close their mouths ended with a spray of drooly bugs shooting from them both.

"Wiiiiinnner!" Binga sang, at the same time as Bunga chanted..

"Winner, winner, zebra dinner!"

"What?" They queried, catching each other's quizzical looks.

"No way! I had more bugs in there than you!" Bunga protested, pointing a finger at her nose.

"Only after I found more!" Binga smirked proudly.

"What! Na-uh! I wanna re-match!" Bunga demanded. Then looking around they noticed all the bugs lying around. "Or maybe.."

"Clean-up bugging eating rematch!" The two honey badgers called, racing off to start stuffing their mouths with grubs again.

~Poa The Destroyer~

Hey what's up you guys. I made it! One more chapter to add, only six left to finish before the end! Unfortunately it's a LOT shorter than most, if not, all the other chapters.. but hey.. that's ok, I guess. Still fun! Enjoy!! Thx!!!

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