Chapter 1

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Another good day, another victory to celebrate. It was a rather easy football match; almost all of the players in our team were in the sports science department at the university and while  the guys from Valencia were good, they were just a mix of athletic guys. Not even close to our level.

The rest of my team's members, whose names I don't remember due to their irrelevance and stupidity, were already taking turns in the showers to clean themselves, making stupid wolf whistling and some dumb dick jokes.

Hugo, my best friend, was right next to me, talking to a guy from the first year's class. It was weird since me and Hugo were in our graduation year. My family were already preparing the fitness center I would manage. Next year, I would start hiring. It's a good thing to have your own business from this early on in life. Gives you freedom. In my case, freedom to live my life, get rid of my stupidly ignorant father and posh, ultra bitch of a mother. They cared for me, sort of, but they were ignorant. Only family I tolerate is my elder brother, Christian. He is a mechanical engineer, had a fund from our father, then turned it into a startup, now at the age of thirty, he has three departments to his own car engineering company, two in Zaragoza and one in Barcelona. He was thinking of opening another one. I was looking up to him. And he hated my guts.

You may ask why. Well I don't care about your questions, wouldn't give a single fuck if I ever saw you on the street. In fact, if you were to glance at me in the wrong way or simply stumble upon me by accident, I would break you, one way or another.

Yes, I like to cause some pain to people that would get in my way, even if that was just blocking an entry by mistake.  But to people that were especially up against me, I would destroy something... important they had. An arm, a leg, their ability to be calm ever again in the rest of their miserable life. I would take all that. 

Hugo is mostly the only one I tolerate because he has similar views to mine. He is a bit more vanilla though, he has boundaries, especially lately. Which I find weird. We both got money, looks and enough ambition to break anyone coming against us. He can practically do whatever he wants, yet he has... standards now. Did his morality crawl up from his ass?

To me, well, standards don't exist. You bother me, I will most definitely bother you. Will you try to bully me or outrank me, in this university? You better change universities. You. Better. 

Once I rinsed myself from all the sweat with some midly hot water, I put my dirty clothes in my dirty laundry bag I always had with me, dressed with new clothes, put some cologne and deo, and decided that it would be good to go with Hugo and enjoy a nice cerveza in the Taboo Club. Some hotties would definitely visit that club after ten at night, and it was a nice, warm August night.

Hugo was waiting for me outside.

'So' he arched his right eyebrow at me 'what is the plan?'

'FInd someone hot to have a good time with. Someone we don't know or is Clara's friend.'

'You still haven't broken up with that needy bitch?'

'Nah, she is fun for the regular sex. But I will break up with her. She got boring ever since she told me that she sees our relationship turning serious. Stupid bitch, her honkers are the only thing I care for. So, if one of her friends sees me cheat, it will be easier. Plus, it will put salt to the wound. She had a tough break up before me with her cheater boyfriend. Will serve her boring ass right.'

He chuckled but turned to look at me seriously 'karma is a bitch. And she isn't boring at all, friend.'

'Why, is that what happened to you and you started being more careful with how you play people around?'

He shook his head, making his golden locks of hair flutter in the warm August wind. He stopped walking and he looked at me seriously again, his light green eyes looking in my blue ones with an icy feeling. I stopped walking too. I hated that look. He was about to say something that would probably want me to smack him.

'You made four of our colleagues at Uni to quit classes and change cities. Broken the heart of, how many women now? Ninenteen since high school?'

'Twenty three' I corrected him. His sudden smirk told me that he knew how many, but he wanted to prove a point. Damn it, I hate being played with.

'So you do keep the logistics of your stupid deeds' he said smugly.

'You call me stupid one more time-'

'And what? You got nothing on me that I can't rebuke and send it back at you. Some time ago, I met a classmate. She was nice to me. I treated her like shit. Broke her heart. Melissa.'

'Oh yes, the skinny one with the really nice eyes you were with a year ago' I said bored.

His look turned very icy  'she died in a car accident two weeks ago. She was with her new, drunkard boyfriend. Ever since I dumped her, she started drinking. Maybe, if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have met that dickhead and would still be alive.'

'Am I supposed to feel sorry' I asked him boredly. I regretted it though as he slammed his palm on my shoulder hard enough to make my legs shake.

'Yes, you are. Because of what you do to those unfortunate women, or the men that happen to find you attractive, without knowing that you are straight, manipulative and a damn asshole, so you use both men and women for your own stupidity.  Do you have any idea where those people are right now, what happened to them after you?'

I shook my head 'what I did was for my own pleasure. What they do after I am done with them, is their choice. If they wanna fling themselver over a bridge because of a tough break up, sorry, that is just pathetic and weak.'

'It would be' he said seriously 'if they had the choice to do anything after you. You take that away from them. I saw Olivia a few days ago. It's been six months since your break up. She is still losing weight because of what you kept telling her, that she is a fat garbage bag. She is close to become anorexic, have you no shame?'

I looked at him. Is he playing me? 'Says the guy that does the same shit I do. You did similar things to other chicks, like Erica, or the Italian chick, Maria.'

'Did, not anymore. Not since Melissa died. I am done with that shit. She cared for me, and I didn't give a damn for her, while I should have. Even a little.'

'Why should you have given a damn, brother? This isn't a give and take. It's only take. It's only for ourselves. We got our fun, they got their fun. If they get too clingy, then time is up, time to go. Fuck them and fuck you. Hypocrite.'

He smiled at me 'true. I am a hypocrite. And yes, this world is all about taking and having fun, right? Just remember though, in a few decades, if you continue acting this way, who will be left next to you?'

'You, because you are a pain in the ass' I answered smugly. He rolled his eyes.

'Yes. But do consider what I said. Please' he added seriously.

This weirded me out. He was never this serious. Ever. Melissa's death definitely shook him. I was about to ask him if he wanted to talk about this but he must have read my mind or something. He shook his head and gave me a soft smile.

'Have fun at Taboo, I am going home' he added turning his back to me. I froze.

'You are not coming?'

'I will be coming indeed, just in my house, alone. I don't need company to vent my sexual frustrations tonight. But go ahead, don't let the next woman that you will break her heart waiting' he winked at me, his smile now not reaching his frigid eyes, and he left.

I groaned in frustration. Fuck that asshole. I will have my own fun to enjoy tonight. Perhaps I might play with some dude too, then reject him. I hate gay dudes, too clingy, clingier than women. Then I might get a nice, submissive beauty. Or her friend and make her jealous enough to chase me. Then take a selfie accidentaly in an instagram story. Then accidentally making it public, for Clara to see and break up with me. Then reject the new submissive needy bitch and find myself a nice, one night stand.

Yeah, that's life.


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