Chapter 4

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I was completely dumbfounded. I mean, ok, for Luis to make such a brass move and buy a beer for the muscular football player from our class, who had such a serious expression on his face was one thing. The fact is, that guy smiled back at Luis. He accepted the beer. He also is buying us all a drink. Why though?

I chuckled amused, Luis is a wild card, who would have thought that this would work. First thing was that he knew that guy from class, maybe talked to him a couple of times in last semester if I remember correctly. But they didn't know each other at all. So this action from Luis, and that reaction from that dude are things that surprise and amuse me. Although, if I remembered correctly, that dude recently broke up with a chick from our anatomy class, so I don't think that he is gay. Luckily, he might be bi though.

The guy was muscular but handsome too. Light green eyes, masculine face with some stubble, golden curly hair and a light tan. His amused expression turned into an angry one as soon as he landed his eyes on the guy who was with him and told him something that made the other guy visibly annoyed. Are they perhaps boyfriends?

The guy walked slowly to us. I glanced at Luis beside me. He had a nervous smile on his face. He was afraid that this wouldn't go well or that the guy would play him or insult him. I heard a subtle chuckle from Petra's direction, who had brought her cousin, Elise. Both were stunning today, Petra had her lush red hair free, making a beautiful contrast with her white, spotless skin. Elise was such a beauty, her face was beautiful, her eyes so expressive. Plus, she was pulling the swimmer body extremely well. Propably the hottest girl I ever had the luck to meet, and Petra was more than happy to introduce her to me. Although right now, relationships would not work out for me. I need some alone time.

Soon, the guy Luis treated the beer to, came close to our table and gestured first to a stool and then our table. We all nodded, Luis nodding more times than necessary. Petra almost laughed and her cousin observed the situation amused.

Our new drinks soon arrived. I got a Baileys Kahlua, the rest got beers. I love sweet drinks, what can I say.

'So, we are in the same classes, aren't we' he asked. He had a deep voice that sounded amused. He smiled curtly at all of us, offering his hand for handshakes. He was taller than me, around 2 meters tall I guessed. He first pointed at our female friends.

'My name is Hugo, but you can call me Hu if you want' he added and he shook gently the hands of Petra and Elise. They smiled back at him.

'Elise, nice to meet you, Hugo' she said smiling.

'Petra. Nice to meet you, Hugo' Petra said calmly, shaking his hand firmly.

'Strong handshake, you don't want to mess arround' he said with a deep chuckle. He turned to me and shook my hand.

'Name's Leonardo, but call me Leo, if that is easier to remember. You are in our class of anatomy and some electives, right?'

His eyebrows rose in realization 'right! Wait a second! You used to do wrestling a few years ago, right? As back as from the classes of 2012? AWZ, wrestling?'

My mouth hang open, remembering and shaking his hand with more strength 'no way! I remember you, you came around a year after I joined! You are Hu Hu!'

He laughed loudly at that 'please, not that nickname! It's embarassing!'

'It is cute, it contradicts the fact that you turned into a very scary looking man. I remember back then many would pick on you because you were shorter than the most of us. I wish they would be here to look at you now! Why did you stop comming at the gym? It was in 2016, right?'

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