Chapter 8

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'Leo, two americanos, a veggie tortilla and a large club sandwich for table 6!'

'On my way, chef' I shouted as I strutted towards the bar. The cooking assistant, Anna, winked at me and handed me the plates on a serving disk. I winked back at her and she giggled as she went back to clean more plates. I shook my head. Anne was in the same university, studying literature. She was good looking, brunette, voluptuous. But, I am not ready. Not yet.

I brought the plates to table six of the Veintiuno Coffee Store. This store was very popular and, as such, on a Saturday morning it was super busy. But the customers left good tips and the owner was cool so, I didn't mind getting sore feet after each shift. 

It was 11 in the morning. I still had to work until 14:30, which would complete roughly seven and a half hours of work. After the shift, I was thinking of going to visit Hu Hu.

Apparently, he had moved out of his parents' house to an apartment of his own and it happened to be near my area. I had seen him here often the past week and he asked me to hang out at his place today. I had nothing to do so I accepted. Luis was a bit bummed that Hu Hu turned out to be straight, however, they started to hang out since the day after me and the fuckboy beat each other up. Apparently, they clicked. Similar taste in music and films. According to Petra, Hu Hu was so interested in talking with Luis, that he ignored her Instagram messages for two whole days, while he was exchanging memes and weird videos with Luis. So it came to no surprise that Hu Hu asked me to join him on a Saturday. Luis knew my schedule and, because Luis had arrangements with his father and Petra was off town, I would have free time.

The shift came almost to its end, when I saw Hu Hu enter the store with the fuckboy. Hu Hu waved at me as they went and sat side by side near a stand next to one of the windows. I couldn't help but go and give a bro hug to Hu Hu.

'Hey Leo, all good' he asked, his voice cool and deep. I winked at him. He was wearing a black tank top which was featuring his strong shoulders and a simple pair of jean shorts. Was he in his bulking season? He looked a bit bigger since I saw him at the pool that fateful day.

'Well, I have been doing well. I saw your face in here but then I saw the ugly jackass next to you' I said pointedly and locked my eyes with Miguel's.

He scoffed 'better go to work, fucker. Your boss might fire you if he sees you talking with customers.' He was looking as irritating as the last time I saw him. He was wearing sunglasses in the freaking store. He was wearing a set of a short sleeved shirt and shorts with linear decorative patterns. He was looking like a model fresh out of a magazine.

'Oh, so you came in as a customer, fuckboy' I said with a fake husky tone. 'Will you have our famous cortado, with a side of traditional tortilla and as a desert, our specialty' I walked closer and whispered so that only those two could hear 'me?'

Hu Hu started laughing out loudly. I fought to not laugh but when I saw the fuckboy's disgusted expression mixed with half a smirk of amusement, I laughed too.

'Fuck off, stupid fucker' he said with disdain.

I shook my head and got closer to him and pushed the menu card on his chest 'now you are talking.' I winked at him and he rolled his eyes, but he smirked.

'You guys should definitely buy the tortillas. Ultra fresh, bio eggs, veggies from local farms. And the coffee is of high quality, not that you two would know actual quality coffee.'

'Why' Hu Hu asked genuinely as the jackass scoffed looking at his menu card.

'You need to be quite desperate economically to try the worst types of coffee. I have been there, you haven't. Plus I have worked in many high class restaurants and cafeterias. When I say that the coffee here is otherwordly, I mean it.'

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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