Chapter 3

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'So, she broke up with you' Hugo said unamused.

I rolled my eyes 'didn't I make it clear on how it happened? I planned for her to break up with me' I added smugly, sipping my cocktail.

He scoffed 'if it makes you sleep better at night, sure' he said with a now amused smirk. 

I glared at him 'what the fuck is wrong with you lately?'

We were sitting at the pools today. The weather here was far too hot and no matter how good of an air conditioner I have at home, I prefered to come here. I might get to meet someone less boring than Hugo.

The pools were at an ok location, near the Ebro river. The pools were divided in different levels for each age group. There were multiple areas for fun and drinking, while many courts for beach volley were around us, making this particular August afternoon by the pools full with people. And I hate the gatherings of too many people, especially if there are families around. I hate looking at the faces of couples and their kids, pretending to be happy while they dig their insecurities and mistakes deeper into their stupid brains.

On the other hand, many hot people hang out here too. Especially newly arrived foreign students and grad students. Far more interesting, most of the time far more mature too. I was bored of this city's people, nothing new to give me, no new challenges.

As Hugo shook his head to my previous remark, I noticed that me and Hugo had attracted quite some attention. It made sense, we both have fit bodies, we are handsome yet in a quite different way. Hugo is the more traditional kind of handsome, facial hair, no tattoos, with hard, almost scary characteristics on his face. I on the other hand, had a more of a fitness model structure, more mellow characteristics, deceptively approachable. I was noticing how, when people were lookng at me, their stare would linger just a bit more or even give me a smile, which I made sure to give back only to the ones I found attractive. Hugo, however, whenever was stared at, as soon as he would notice, everyone would avoid looking at him again. He has such a bad bitch aura. Which is another reason why I tolerate him. If I was alone, many of the onlookers would try to approach me. With him next to me, no one did. Which made it easier for me to select who would I approach. 

We decided to drink a couple more cocktails until early evening and then, maybe, go to the cinema with some of out teammates in football. I was bored to go for partying again, as yesterday proved to be so entertaining. A slightly drunk dude from our uni tried to make a move on me. I lead him on, of course, then slapped him for getting too close, calling him a fag and sent him crying out of the club. Some people looked at me weirdly, but when I mentioned he wouldn't let me be alone, they just shook their heads understandingly. Drunks are often present after 1 AM and if they were to get too touchy feely, a slap would be, sort of, justifiable.

For me it was just fun. How fun it was to just play and manipulate other people. Later, a woman came by, a couple years older than me. She was with some friends. I made sure to buy a hot friend of hers a drink, while constantly looking at everyone besides her. She took the bait of course. Maybe an hour later, I would post a story with her on instagram. Another hour later, she would ask to give me a blowjob. I of course declined and sent her desperate ass packing.

After I left Taboo, I went to another club, bought a couple of seductive women drinks. I don't even remember their names. We had a nice threesome at their place, was fun. Once I got back home, I saw the break up rant from Clara's intagram account, with voice messages. I ignored it of course. She doesn't deserve a second of my time anymore.

Now we were here. Nice atmosphere, hot weather, some hotties around us drinking, laughing and dancing. The DJ is quite good too I have to admit.

As we were talking more, soon we saw an Ambar beer arriving  for Hugo. The waiter pointed out at the fellowship of two guys and two women. They were definitely from our Uni and I remember their faces too. They shared some classes with us.

The first of the women were a short, voluptuous red head with an oval face, light brown eyes and a cute smile. She was talking eagerly to one of the guys. Tall, tanned, almost blond with a strong build yet with some fat around his middle. The other woman was a blue eyed, blonde beauty with a swimmer's body. She had a very pretty face and she was looking at the second guy next to her, amused.

The last person in their company was from the gymnastics team of our university. He was very good if I remembered correctly, placing top three in the nationals consecutively for three years now. He had a defined and strong built. He was tanned with dark as night hair and eyes. Yet he had a coy smile on his face as he was looking at us. At Hugo. He pointed at his own chest and then at the beer in front of Hugo and then winked at Hugo, raising his own bottle of Ambar at him.

Now, that was shocking. Hugo never before was approached like that from a guy. Some brave, maybe desperate, women tried to, yet he shrugged them off, being too picky for a possible sexual partner. I chuckled mischieviously; Hugo was probably more of an homophobe than I was. he would probably throw the beer back at the guy and maybe cause a scene.

As soon as I laid back on my chair, my smug grin soon started to dissipate as I looked at Hugo's face.

He was... surprised, but in a good way. I saw the half smile he had. Soon he let out a loud, deep laugh and he winked at the muscular twink. He stopped the waiter.

'For the guy that bought me this beer, could youplease let him and his friends order whatever they want as their next drink, it will be on me.' The waiter smiled and went to relay the message and a new order to the fellowship.

They all turned to Hugo in shock, with the twink blushing slightly. Oh Hugo is gonna play him like I play dudes like that. A shame though; the guy is an accomplished athlete. Too bad he is a fag.

As Hugo stood, he looked at me and in that moment I was suprised to see that his amused look towards the twink, turned into a very unamused look towards me.

'If you try to fuck up this, I will break your good arm.'

I tried to talk back but I was shocked. The icy anger undertone in his deep voice made me understand that he either wanted to fuck up the dude without my help, or take this situation seriously.

'You mean, you wanna take all the glory of shutting that dude's hopes down on yourself, alone.'

Hugo scoffed 'why should I shut him down?'

My eyes turned wide as saucers 'the dude is definitely gay and into you! Did you forget that you are straight?!'

Hugo gave me an icy smile and kneeled in front of me to look at me seriously. 

'Who told you that I am straight?'

My mouth probably reached the floor from shock. He chuckled cruelly 'that serves you right, for hurting Clara. I am straight. But I am not that much of a complete asshole. The dude sent me a beer. I sent him and his friends drinks and I will soon go in person and apologize to him. Because, assuming he is into me, I am not into him. It's the right thing to do.'

'Way to be a good citizen, Hugo. What is it gonna be next, follow him on instagram and start sending memes to him and be buddies?!'

He looked at me, an amused smirk forming on his lips again 'you are right, how did I not think of that?! I need more friends. Same applies to you of course, but, after all you do to people that actually like you, you are still a dick. Not that if anyone that would get to know the real you would stay.'

I angrily glared at him 'you stay, though.'

He soffed again and his face turned serious.

'Who said that I will keep staying beside the likes of you forever? Wake up, friend' he added and stood again.

He walked towards that fellowship slowly, a genuine smile now appearing on his face. Fuck that asshole,wow he really fucked up my good mood from yesterday. So he wants to make amends, huh? If I play my cards right, one of the girls in that group might get interested in me. I will use her to piss off Hugo as he pissed me off today. Nobody disrespects me.

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