Major Appraisal

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                                                         Best Shot- Birdy and Jaymes Young

After the movie ended, Luke and I talked for hours until he and Calum fell asleep leaning on each other for support. He told me about his mom, Liz, and the guys and how they met, the band they were in, and lots of talk about music. I told him about my school transfer and my mom and brother but decided against mentioning Monroe. He seemed like a good guy and they might just be some friends worth keeping around.

I turn around in my chair to see what Ashton and Michael were up to.

Michael was asleep and practically falling into the aisle but Ashton had his headphones on and seemed to be focusing on keeping time to the song on his knees.

He'd put on a pair of black glasses that added to his face with sophistication.

When he noticed me staring at him, he seemed embarrassed and quickly shed his headphones. I smiled and then he smiled and that grin lit up the entire plane. He let out a small giggle like a baby wallaby's and it made me laugh.

"Why are you still awake? It's almost 3:00am," I ask, still laughing.

"I could ask you the same thing," he answered through a smile.

"I asked first."

"I asked second."

"Fine. I'm incredibly bored."

"I was going over a set for our next performance. It isn't for a couple of weeks, but I still like to practice as often as possible."

"So you're the drummer then?" I couldn't remember what each members' position was, even if Luke had explained them to me just a few hours before.

"Yeah. Luke is lead, Calum bass, and Michael guitar." he explained over again.

"Got it..." I whispered under my breath while nodding my head.

After a pause of him scrolling through his phone and my admiring his dimples, he thrusted his phone towards me with the headphones still attached.

"I thought you might want to listen to one of our songs," he mumbled nervously as I started to cover my ears with the headphones. "I wrote the one you're about to listen to."

I look down at the screen and read the title.

Everything I Didn't Say.

I pressed play and closed my eyes.

About halfway through the song, which was unbelievable, I glanced back at Ashton who gave me a look of worry as if I didn't like it.

"Ashton, you guys are amazing!" I whisper shout over the music still playing in my ears.

"We aren't Blink, but I'd say we're getting there," he said, his face flushing with relief.

"Would you mind if... I kept listening maybe?"

"It would be an honor," he smiled.

I murmured a thanks and turned back around in my seat. I listened to three or four more ridiculously good songs before drifting into a soft sleep; his headphones still on my ears and his phone in my lap playing their songs.

Each worthy of major appraisal.

I woke up to Luke taking the headphones off my ears and returning them to a 'very sleepy' Ashton.

He turned to look at me, laughing, "Good morning, Sunshine."

"Hey, if we're going to be friends, you can't judge my morning face," I say jokingly through a yawn.

"Oh yeah, we need to talk about staying in touch," Michael piped up. "Where are you from in Australia?"

"Well, I move around mostly the Sydney-Melbourne area, but right now I'm in Melbourne." I explain to all of them.

"That's great!" exclaimed Michael.

"We hail from the always wonderful, Sydney," Luke says with a touch of sarcasm.

"Why don't we all swap numbers then so we can stay in touch?" I ask. I actually am really interested in staying close with these guys.

"Sounds good. Make sure you let us know when you're in the area," chimes in Ashton.

I passed my phone around while the pilot was making his speech about it being the final descent and collected my phone after it finally reached Ashton.

I took a minute to look at all of their contacts and couldn't help to giggle a bit. Luke simply put 'Lukey' above his phone number and added a very majestic picture of himself as well as an emoji penguin. Calum added several emojis with sunglasses following his name. Michael had typed 'Mikey' in followed by multiple eggplant emojis, which I had no intent of learning why they were there. Lastly, Ashton had entered his name as 'Ash' with a purple heart and photo that captures his dimply smile with perfection.

---did i spell 'appraisal' right? How is it so far? I would love it if you all left comments :)

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