My World

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                                           Till My Heart Stops- Too Far Moon (continued)

I waited in the bathroom with my head in my hands until the stick had processed. I waited a minute before I checked it.

What if this is really happening? I'm leaving tomorrow. Ashton is leaving for tour again soon. I'm only 17. Would he still love me? Or would he leave me?

It was all too much to even think about.

I took a deep breath and picked up the stick from the countertop.

There was a single line through the oval in the center.

I was not pregnant.

I smiled a little and more tears fell down the sides of my cheeks. I opened the door and Allison stood up with an expectant look on her face and Ashton stood up very nervously with tear stains near his eyes. I shook my head and both of their faces lit up a bit. I ran down skipped down the short hallway and the both held me tight. Ashton was making a breathy mixture of laughing and crying into my hair while Allison just smiled and heaved a relieved sigh.

They released me and I turned to face Ashton. He smiled a small smile and wiped the tears from under my eyes.

"We're gonna be okay." I breathed out.

"We are." he pulled me into his chest and rested his cheek on the top of my head, content.

I think it was then that I decided that he was the one I choose. If I had to spend the rest of my life with one person, I'd have wanted it to be him.

He was kind of my world.

+Ashton's POV+

I think I would have married her; for real. I wasn't joking.

Don't get me wrong, I felt overwhelming relief when she said we weren't actually expecting. But I also felt like I loved her more than anything in the whole entire world when she said we might be.

But I think it was definitely a good thing that our adorable baby was put off. Wren was leaving. Tomorrow. And I was leaving the week after to go on tour with the boys from One Direction.

And somewhere along the chaos, I'd almost forgotten she was leaving. It doesn't even feel real.

And I knew we weren't going to break it off or anything, but I was still antsy about us being apart for so long. I just wish we could be together all the time.

I knew I was going to marry her one day, regardless of whether or not we were expecting a prince or princess.

I knew because she was my world.

YAYYYYYYYYYY okay there's gonna be more this week hopefully and after I finish it, I will start working on the playlist that will go with it. cool? cool//

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