Self Control

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                                                                      Coming Home- Leon Bridges     

                                                                            +Three Months Later+

I had set my alarm for 6 that morning, however I was actually awake at around 4:13 because my irresponsible temporary parents let 4 large teenage boys pummel me in my sleep.

Their bus had arrived a while earlier at Michael's and they insisited on informing me of their arrival directly, so they drove over immediately afterwards.

I was overwhelmed by being shaken by the shoulders and poked in the side while also being sat on and showered with kisses.

Once I got over the fact that it was 4 in the morning, I was overjoyed and gave everyone a bear hug. We had all shoved onto my bed because of the lack of floor space, and they shared with me everything they hadn't already through skype.

At around 6:15, I had to forcefully kick them all out, except for Ashton, because we all still had a week of school left.

After already preparing myself for the day, I finally felt the first tear fall. I returned to my room, strewn with boxes and bags, and melted into Ashton's arms. I felt his chest make faulty movements and knew he was crumbling too.

All of my walls were bare. My music was packed. My pencils stashed away, notebooks tucked into random piles.

I had less than a week left in this place that I had come to call a home.

And only a few days left with the boy I loved.

But today was Tuesday, and we still had a few classes, so we suppressed the thought for a while longer and went to school.

After a few periods, I realized that no teacher really had anything left to teach us, and I texted Ashton.

Me: i'm thinking of blowing this popsicle stand.. wanna watch a movie?

I waited a few minutes and then felt my side vibrate.

Ash: see ya in a while crocodile ;)

When the fourth quarter bell rang, I bolted out the side door with no intentions of being stopped because there was really no reason for seniors to be there anyways. I unlocked the Jeep and buckled up, twisting the volume up and rolling the windows down.

Ashton sat on the front step when I pulled into the empty driveway.

I attempted to push past him to get to the door, but he pulled me in by the waist and kissed me longer than he should have for being out in the open.

But it was still magnificent. And I wished it would've lasted longer.

I finally pulled away, promising we'd pick up where we left off, and fished my keys out of my bag to open the door.

I swung the door shut after we'd both made it inside. I smiled up at Ashton as I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me while I made my way up the stairs. I tossed my bag onto the floor and then decided we should watch the movie downstairs.

It was easier to focus less on having to leave when I didn't have to face it directly.

So we galloped back down the stairs and turned on Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights in the movie room. I closed the door and the blinds to make it extra dark. Then I plopped down in the middle of the long couch and Ashton followed.

Although I did love the movie, my attention became directed at Ashton's jaw instead. The light from the movie flickered against his face and made him look possibly even more beautiful. He laughed at something on the screen and my heart dropped when his dimples deepened.

He turned his head and caught my gaze and whispered a thing about returning to where we left off. I nodded and we did so.

After 10 minutes of basically full-on making out, and it gradually becoming increasingly heated, Ashton paused.

"Upstairs?" he asked quietly and in between breaths. I nodded, giggling slightly, and he swung my legs over one arm and slid the other behind my back. He jogged up the stairs, being careful when he set me on the edge of the bed.

He sat next to me and lifted my hand to his lips, softly pressing light kisses all the way up my forearm. I brushed my thumb over his cheek bone and grazed a couple of curly golden hairs with my other fingers.

I stretched up and met my mouth with his, him gladly reciprocating the kiss. He fit his long hands into the curves of my waist and slowly guided me back until I was lying beneath him. His honey colored eyes washed over every part of me.

And then, we lost all self-control.

again: yes. they did. however, oh wait, can't spoil it lol

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