Dirty Dancing

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                                                               Be My Baby- The Ronettes

After everyone finished, we still sat around the table talking about things irrelevent to anything particularly important. It was mostly just the adults talking to each other and the kids talking to each other with the occasional whisper from Ashton to Harry or Ashton to me. I bumped knees with Ashton the whole time and at some point he had grabbed my hand under the table, holding it in the space between our chairs.

"I'm going to start washing things up in the kitchen," I stated before removing a few bowls from the table. I heard Ashton mumble something about helping and he had risen from his chair too, taking everyone's empty plates.

"Just leave them in the sink and Jared and I will wash them. Thank you Wrenny." Allison said as I started placing the empty bowls into the sink. Ashton scraped small food remains into the trash bin and set the cleared dishes along the countertop.

"They are getting awful boring out there," Ashton sighed from next to me. I bumped my hip against his and smiled despite scraping the soggy salad into the sink-hole.

"Do you want to go watch a movie? We have Netflix," I suggested. I looked up at him. He was now perched atop the island. He looked down and nodded.

I looked over at the table full of adults and kids alike to find them all engaged in a seemingly very interesting topic. Since they were distracted, it wasn't difficult for Ashton and me to go unnoticed when we slipped up the stairs and shut the hall door to just a crack.

I turned on my lights and opened the doors to the balcony to let some fresh air in. When I turned around towards the entrance to the bedroom, Ashton was leaning against the door frame.

He didn't look adorable now; he looked...hot. I hate that word, but there was no denying it.

He was looking at the posters all over the walls, taking in everything about the room. Meanwhile, I was taking in everything about him. He was wearing a Batman shirt and the same glasses he'd worn on the plane. His hair still looked fluffy and curly and his lips were pink and curled into a lazy smile.

He wasn't looking at the posters anymore.

I took a seat on my bed and grabbed the remote, switching on the Netflix. I patted the space next to me without looking away from the screen on the opposite wall. He climbed onto the bed and cuddled around me. I turned my head to see his eyes already on mine.

"What movie?" I asked, my eyes focused on his.

"Ladies choice," he replied.

I looked away quickly and chose Dirty Dancing. This movie had always been my favorite and it thought Ashton would like it.

He had snaked his arms around my waist and I was snuggled against his chest and shoulder. I could feel his cheek on my head. He was warm and soft-yet-muscular at the same time. I swear I could have stayed in his arms, safe, for as long as time would let me.

--- hahahah i love misleading titles of things. one more chapter...//

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