Prologue: Arrival to Earth

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"Hello" speaking
"Hello" thoughts
I do not own any content from the MCU or any of the characters but my own


In the beginning...

...before the six Singularities and the dawn of creation, came the Celestials. Arishem, the Prime Celestial, created the first sun and brought life into the universe. Life began, and thrived. All was in balance.

Until an unnatural species of predators emerged from deep space to feed on intelligent life ---- they were known as the Deviants. The universe was plunged into chaos.

To restore natural order, Arishem sent the Eternals ---- immortal heroes from the planet Olympia ---- to eliminate the Deviants.

The Eternals had unyielding faith in Arishem until one mission, led by the Prime Eternal, Ajak, changed everything...

5,000 B.C - Arrival to Earth

Unknown P.O.V

"It is time" said the feminine voice as I opened my eyes to look around me as I simultaneously stood from my knees towards the wall and stood back first on the wall, "How curious", I thought as strange golden wisps of cosmic energy made me a suit that was black with golden plates on it then I strolled to the large window and began to stare in awe at the planet we were headed to, Earth it was called.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?", asked a soft voice from my right side as I turned my head to see a woman who's eyes I though were so beautiful as the sun itself, "It is, indeed....?", I said/asked when the woman gave me a confused look and then chuckled, "Oh, apologies, I am Thena, what's yours, warrior?", she asked as I turned around completely and grinned at her, "I am Arden, it's nice to meet you, Thena", I answered as we smiled and stared at each other for at least 50 seconds, "Thena, Arden, I am Ajak, we are about to arrive on Earth, prepare yourselves", she said as we go past the planet's atmosphere.

5,000 B.C - Mesopotamia

On a land filled with sand, we see people with spears trying to find food on the ocean and the until the waves erupts violently, gaining the humans' attention as they yell out in a foreign language to run as a kid stares at his father with a questionable look as the father looks back and also tells him to run as his head is then engulfed within the massive jaws a a Deviant that spawned out of the sea.

As the Deviant was headed to eat the child, two golden beams shot at the beast, pushing it back into the ocean, the child then look behind him as six people, one of which is floating in the air, appear as a man in blue armor shoots golden beams from his eyes at the beast from before as it emerges from the ocean, the man then flies towards the Deviant and punches it into the air as the Deviant sprouts its wings to fight the armored man in the sky.

Another Deviant appears as it makes a beeline for the child, then a golden blur takes the child away from being eaten by the beast as the child was saved by a woman in red armor, known as Makkari, as she then runs at the speed of light to save the other people as the Deviant gives chase.

A man in purple armor walks toward the beast to shoot golden spheres of light at it, the beast roars in unbearable pain as the woman from earlier speeds at the Deviants' left side as it falls down a cliff, effectively killing the beast.

The man and woman look at each other with expressions of respect, "Good fight", the man, known as Kingo, hand signed towards the woman smiles then signs back, "You too", towards the man.

In a different area of the desert, we see a man in bronze and Thena battling another Deviant as they finish it off, the man in blue armor, Ikaris, finishes with the Deviant, taking an injury to the shoulder as a result of fighting the Deviant he killed earlier during the battle.

Arden, who toys another Deviant, stabs it in the skull with a weapon made of energy as he walks toward his fellow Eternals, the humans then slpwly come forward as the Eternals' starship, the Domo, appears as five silhouettes of different people float down from the hangar of the ship - Ajak, along with Sprite, Sersi, Druig, and Phastos, form a line with the others as Ajak heals Ikaris shoulder, "Thank you, Ajak", he says to Ajak as they face the humans.

The humans then point their spears at the Eternals as Druig's eyes turn gold and raises his hand towards them, until the humans eventually drop their weapons and look around in confusion, Ajak then nods to Sersi as she goes to pick up a spearhead, using her powers to change it into a fine dagger, the child from earlier then comes forward to Sersi to touch the dagger held in her hand and smiles at her as she smiles back.

Arden frowns as he looks at the group of humans in disgust and anger, "Primitive sheep....I'm going to sleep", he though as he lays down on the sandy ground and falls asleep quickly, the Eternals look at him with bewildered looks on their faces, "Is he seriously going to sleep in front of us and the humans?", Kingo asks as Ajak sighs and looks as him, "Let him rest, I'm sure he's just tired out", she said as the rest of the Eternals continue to stare at Arden resting on the ground.

Whew, that was a lot of work! So what do you guys think of the chapter, was it good?

Let me know on the comment below and vote on the prologue of the story.

I'm be working on the second chapter this weekend as I have to get work out of the way and find some time to get it done by Sunday or Monday.


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