Chapter 7:"Sersi, it's almost time"

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Hey Bros, I'm SO sorry for the massive postpone for this chapter and the continuation on this story, I've been super busy with work and a lot of other things that needed my full attention on. But I'm proud to announce that I will fully commit myself to this story so let's play a game. I'll make a few predictions on how many chapter this story will have and y'all can make your own on whatever you decide to predict. But I hope you all enjoy the 7th chapter of this story and I will hopefully not be too busy to make the other chapters every once a week. Anyway, let's get this show runnin'!

Present Day, South Dakota

Now as we go back to Sersi, as she drives her SUV with Ikaris and Sprite in the back seats to South Dakota, she reconciles with her memories of the love life Ikaris and herself once had thousands of years ago.

After this, she looks into the mirror to spot Ikaris staring back at her with Sprite asleep with her head on her shoulder as they reach a house surrounded by a large field connected to an open highway.

Once Sersi parks the car, everyone gets out to walk towards the wide opened front door as they carefully go inside.

"Hello?", Sersi yells out inside the house as she and the others continue to try to find their surrogate mother while they look around.

"Ajak?", Sersi yells out once more as they also find that the backdoor is also wide open as they go outside to the backyard to discover a lifeless female body on the ground.

Sersi and the other run to the dead body to find out that it was Ajak's dead, pale body as Sersi and Sprite look on in sorror while Ikaris looks away with a somber look.

"It was a Deviant", Ikaris says as Sersi and Sprite could only look on as they mourn for Ajak instead of responding to his statement.

We return to the house as we spot Ikaris leaning on the wall as he watches an illusion of Ajak and Sprite are dancing and singing to a song on the radio.

The real Sprite cancels the illusion as she stares with a sad look.

"It was the last time I saw her", she confessed as Ikaris walked towards where Sprite was sitting at.

"Ajak asked me to check on Sersi, so I went to London", she said as Ikaris puts a hand in her shoulder as Sprite put her hand on top of his.

"Turned out both of us were lonely and we needed each other... I guess, in her way, Ajak never stopped trying to take care of us all and make sure we were okay", she explains as both her and Ikaris look down to the floor to mourn silently for Ajak.

Back at the backyard, Sersi still stares at the lifeless body of Ajak as silent tears stream down her face.

"Goodbye, Ajak", she says to the body as she accepts that her fellow Eternal has a better life in the heaven(I know that they're cosmic androids but at this point, idgaf anymore).

Back inside of the house, we see Ikaris and Sprite having a conversation.

"It's the first time in 7,000 years that one of us has died... I think the Deviant that attacked us in London killed Ajak and absorbed her powers", Sprite theorized as Ikaris looks at her with a confused face.

"Deviants haven't been able to do that in the past", said Ikaris.

"That Deviant healed itself just like Ajak, Ikaris. I swear I almost heard it speak", explained Sprite.

Meanwhile, Sersi hears the electricity flickering as she looks around in confusion.

Once she turns back to the dead body, she discovers a small sphere of cosmic light as it floats out of the corpse in front of her and forces itself inside her chest as the environment around her starts to change.

Everywhere around her starts to appear in a remote location in space with Arishem staring at her with his six-eyed gaze.

"Sersi, it's almost time. You MUST stop Arden", he tells Sersi as everything starts to change back to her original location as she hears the voices of Ikaris and Sprite calling her name.

"Sersi, what happened?", Sprite asked as Ikaris turns to Sersi also looking for an explanation.

"The sphere that Ajak used to converse with Arishem, it came of her corpse and went inside of me", explained Sersi as Sprite and Ikaris look at each other with shock and amazement before they look back to Sersi.

Did you speak with him?", asked Ikaris.

Yes, he said it's almost time...and that I have to stop Arden", Sersi answered as Sprite makes a conflicted look.

"Stop him from doing what?", demanded Sprite.

"I don't know", Sersi answered to Sprite as Ikaris scoffs in unbelievemence.

"Can you try talking to him again?", Sprite urged/questioned.

"I dont exactly know how, Sprite", Sersi reasoned to Sprite as Ikaris paces slowly, trying to make sense of the current situation.

"Hold on, Sprite. Are you sure you spoke with Arishem, Sersi?", asked Ikaris.

Well what else would it be?", Sprite asked as she and Sersi looked up at him.

Ikaris take a deep breath before he could answer.

"Mahd Wy'ry", he clarified as Sersi and Sprite could only look shocked as the memories from all those years ago resurface to their minds of the events of that tragical day.

Whoo! That was stressful, and AWESOME at the same time, 925 words. Wow!

But I hope you guys enjoyed reading the 7th part of this story.

If y'all would like to ask any questions or any suggestions, just text me, no biggie.

Don't forget to follow me, comment down below and vote for this chapter.

I'll see y'all next week and I hope y'all have a great weekend.

PEACE!! 👍👋🤟🤘✌️🤞🤙👌🔥😘❤️

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