Chapter 6:"Hello Ladies"

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Hey guys!

I'm so so sorry that I haven't updated the story since last month, but good news!

I'm back and I PROMISE ALL OF YOU that I will continue with this book until it's been 100% completed.

Without further ado, LET'S GET IIIIT!!



As she ran on the middle of the street, Sersi sharply turned her head to find that the Deviant from before had stopped to discover multiples of herself were all around the area, distracting the creature as it tries to find the real her and Sprite, then they began to walk in different directions which caused the Deviant to search for the real ones with some effort as it tries to grab onto one of the illusions and it phases past its clawed hand as Sersi and Sprite walk away quietly and fast as Dane catches up with them as he witnesses the scene.

A car tries to slow down as it thought it hit one of Sersi's illusion clones as another car behind it crashed into it, while this happened the creature turned its head towards Dane as he yells, "RUN! GO! NOW!", at the citizens while they run away from the creature with Dane as the Deviant uses its tentacles to find Sersi and Sprite as they both begin to run while Sprite yells at Dane, "Hurry up!", as the creature catches up with them, "HOW?!", Sersi asks/yells at Sprite, "I DONT KNOW!", Sprite yells back as one of the Deviants' tentacles knocked her down with a grunt as Sersi turns and runs toward Sprite while yelling run to to the people behind her.

As the chrome-colored creature gets prepared to kill Sprite, a flying black figure smashes itself at the Deviant towards a Tattoo shop, "Sprite!", Dane yells as he ran to Sprite to help her up as Sersi stops to look at what just transpired before her eyes as Kro(I'm tired of calling him by different names)was shot with yellow beams of light and was sent back flying out of the shop towards the street as the three onlookers turned their gazes towards the black figure who walks out to reveal its Ikaris wearing a black suit as he looks at the seemingly unconscious Kro while Sprite smiles with excitement, "Ikaris!", she called to him as Ikaris looks towards them before looking at Sersi, "Hello Ladies", he says as Sersi looks to his right with an alarmed expression, "Look Out!", she warns him as Kro launched himself at Ikaris towards a bus as it begins to flip upside down while Sersi goes infront of the vehicle to reach out with her hand and the minute her hand touches the roof of the bus, she uses her powers to turn the entire bus into a large wave of rose petals as Dane looks on in amazement as he catches one petal, "Wizard", he said to himself as the people from inside the bus stand up as Sersi apologizes to them while Kro leaps up on the buildings while Ikaris walks towards it as Sersi joins Sprite and Dane as they watch Ikaris and Kro do battle with each other.

Kro leaps at Ikaris to attack him with its claws as Ikaris dodges/flies away from the attack to float in the air to shoot his Cosmic Beams at Kro.

The attack hurts his arms and he's pushed back towards the sidewalk at it stands on one knee as the others bare witness as Kro heals his injuries at they looks on in shock, "Did it just heal itself?", she questions out loud as Kro looks at them as it barely said, 'Ajak', then roars at them while Ikaris shoots his beams at Kro causing him to run away into lake as Ikaris floats down, "Ikaris", Sprite says in excitement as she runs to hug him, "Its good to see you", she says as he hugs her back before letting go, "It's good to see you, too Sprite", he says as Dane and Sersi walk towards them as Dane stops in front of him, "I'm Dane", Dane greets as Ikaris nods at him, "Hello Dane", he greets back as Dane then replies, "Well, I guess you're the pilot", Dane says to him as Ikaris looks at Sersi as they stare at each other for a few seconds before police sirens start to blare behind them as Sprite uses her powers to make them invisible to avoid being seen by the cops.

Dane and Sersi stand in front of each other as she begins to explain to Dane about who and what she is, "We're the Eternals, from a planet called Olympia. We came here 7,000 years ago on the Domo, our starship, to protect the humans from the Deviants. We thought we killed them all five centuries ago but now they're back", she explained to Dane as he responds, "If you don't want to move in with me, you could just say -", he says before he was cut off by Sersi, "Dane, this is serious", she tells him as Dane continues to speak, "No, I know. I'm just still getting over the fact that you're not a wizard because that way you can change me into a giraffe, I've always wanted to be a giraffe as a kid", he reasons with her as Sersi smiles at him with adornment, " Too bad I can't change human beings, but you'd  would make a very cute giraffe", she assures him as they take a second to look at each other before Dane begins to walk towards the the wall to lean on it, "Why didn't you guys help fight Thanos, or any war, all the terrible thing that's ever happened in history?", he asks her, "Because we've been instructed to not interfere in human conflicts unless Deviants were involved", she explains as he looks at her I curiosity, "Why?", he asks in confusion, "Because if we did, everything that you all accomplished in the last 7,000 years would not even exist", she tells him, "But if the Deviants were eradicated a long time ago, why are you still here?", he asked her, "We've been waiting until we're told we can go home", she says with a longing voice as she misses her home as Dane walks in front of her as he changes the subject, "So Ikaris, the boy who flew too close to the sun", he asked as Sersi grinned and rolled her eyes, "Sprite made that story up back in the Middle Ages", she told him, "That's in the...5th century B.C, how long were you two together?", he asked her in unsurement as Sersi makes a grimaced expression, "5,000 years", she said as Dane nods, "I guess you can call that long term, what happened?", he asked, "He left. I've always thought he'd come back but...he never did, so I've moved on", she answers him, "Well, I'm glad you did", he encouraged her, "I'm sorry but I have to go", she tells him as they hug each other as we move on inside a living room where the TV is on the news while Sprite looks through some stuff before grabbing a knife and unsheathed it as she observed it with a blank expression, "That Deviant healed itself, they could never do that before and it's coming after us instead of the humans, what's going on?", she asks out loud to Ikaris as he was putting on his jacket, "I came to check on you because of the earthquake, that Deviant is news to me", he said to her, "Somethings happening to the Earth, it can't be a coincidence", she said to him, "We need to find the others", he told Sersi as Sprite butts into the conversation, "I'm in, but it'll be hard to find Arden though, not even Ajak could find him", she said to them both as they look at her in shock before Sersi recuperates herself, "I haven't seen some of them for centuries, though", she said to Ikaris, "I doubt much has changed as they both look away from each other before Ikaris looked back up and moved closer to her, "I'm sorry I hurt you...but we need to stick together, and once I know you're safe I'll leave you alone", he assures her as Sersi looks up at him, "Let's go to Ajak first, she'll know what to do", Sersi suggests before walking out the apartment to get her car as Ikaris side glances at Sprite, "You hear that, Sprite? Family reunion", he told her as Sprite walks with Ikaris towards the door, "Its about time", she told him as they get inside Sersi's car as she drives to South Dakota.


The Amazon

  Meanwhile, at the Amazon, inside the house, Druig opens his eyes with all sorts of emotions inside them as Ardyn looked at him with a questionable look, "Now, with all the information that I've given you, what will you do with it all?", he asks him as Druig looks down for a minute before looking up at Ardyn with an expression filled with determination, "I'll let them figure it out on their own, but until then, I'll play dumb with them for now", Druig tell him as Arden stand and walks toward the door before stopping and turned to look at him, "Be wary of Ikaris, brother...he's not who he used to be...but if it shall be, I won't hesitate to kill him myself", he told Druig as he opened the door and walked out to wherever leaving Druig to look at the door with a mixed expression of contempt and fear as he's afraid of what Ardyn will do to Ikaris should they meet on the battlefield.

I'm so glad I got this done you guys, and sorry that I published it when it wasn't halfway done, some nights my phone acts up on its own and I always have to restart it so it won't do so again, but this chapter is officially completed.

I hope y'all liked it, if you did, you all already know what to do and I'll see you guys next week.


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