Hands off

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Background: you have a crush on Natasha but she doesn't know until Steve does something that makes you livid NO HATE TO STEVE I LOVE HIM.


"Hey guys" I say walking into the room.
"Hey y/n" everyone says at the same time. "Hey y/n can you make us dinner today your dinner is sooooo good" I hear Natasha say.

"Of corse" I answer as I grab some pancakes and use my powers to put a flower crown on Natasha's head.  "Really" she's says in a joking mater and takes it off and puts it on my head.  "What Wanda taught me how to do it" "really y/n I taught you a year ago"Wanda said walking into the room.  "Come on Wandz can't your twin sister have some fun" she giggles as Steve walks into the room.  "Hey Steve" everyone says.  "Hey guys..... h-hey Nat" I heard him say I knew he had a crush on Natasha which I hated.  "Hey Steve" she answered getting up and putting her dish in the sink.

Before she can turn Steve pins her to the sink.
"Steve what are you doing" Natasha asks trying to get out of his grip. "Come on Nat I know you want this" he says getting even closer to her we couldn't hear because they were in the kitchen and we were in the dining room.

"What Steve no get off of me" she says trying to get out of his grip but it's no use he's to strong. "Y/N!!!!!" I hear Natasha yell.

I get up as fast as I can and run Natasha and see Steve touching Natasha and she can't do anything. "GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER HIPS BEFORE I PUNCH YOU IN THE LIP" I push Steve away from Natasha and push her behind me. "Y/n I-I'm scared" I hear Natasha whisper to me. "It's ok I will never let anyone touch you" I whispered back. "Aww poor y/n protecting her girlfriend" he slired his words like if he was drunk. "Steve are you drunk" I asked. "Y-yes" I heard a voice come in it was Thor.

"Thor WHAT DID YOU DO" I asked furious.
"I gave him Asgard beer. "WHAT" I hear Wanda say as she comes in. "Come on y/n fight me" Steve says getting his hands ready.

"Natasha go behind Wanda" I whisper to Natasha. "No no please I'm scared I don't want to leave you" she whispers back. I turn to her and look at Wanda and tell her to watch my back.

I hug Natasha and I whisper to her while hugging her. "I love you ok and I wouldn't tell you to go with Wanda if I didn't trust her do you trust me" I say the last part looking at her seeing her already looking at me.

"Y-you love me" she asked. "With all my hear now answer the question. Do. You. Trust. Me." I say looking at her deep green eyes. "With all my heart"she answered and with that she grabbed my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I smiled into the kiss Not caring if everyone was watching.

"I love you" she whispered as she rested her forehead on my forehead after we pulled away from the kiss. "I love you more. Now go to Wanda so I can kill this son of a bitch that touched what is mine" I smiled making her giggle as she went to Wanda.

"That's my sister" I heard Wanda whisper to herself making me smile.

"Alright Steve you touch the woman I love you gotta fight me" I said getting my powers ready. "Come on y/n give it all you got" "I'll give you more".

He came at me I used my powers pushed him to the ceiling back down to the ground hitting him with green orbs of power knocking him out. I didn't stop I kept going.

"STOP" I heard I looked at Steve I was going to kill him I looked at my hands then at everyone else I saw Natasha hiding behind Wanda she looked scared she was scared of me I ran to my room and slid down my door and cried.

I heard a knock.

"Y/n open the door please" It was Natasha.
"Please go away I don't want to scare you anymore" "What are you talking about" "I scared you when I ALMOST KILLED Steve" "I don't care I love you there is no way you can scare me" I sighed and opened the door.

"Y/n you didn't scare me I hid behind Wanda because you told me to go with her I looked scared because of the angle I got of the fight it looked like he was hurting you I thought I was going to loose you" she said the end with tears threatening to leave her eyes.

I pulled her into a hug and we both cried into each other's shoulders. "I-I w-wanted t-to kill h-him h-he hurt you a-and I c-can't l-live without y-you I l-love you to m-much" I said in between sobs. "Shhhh I know I love you to let's just cuddle in bed yea" Natasha asked. I nodded my head without letting go of each other we got in bed Natasha put on a movie but I wasn't paying attention I just wanted to hold Natasha for the rest of the night.

"Will you be my girlfriend" she asked. "Yes" I responded. We cuddled the rest of the day and I didn't make dinner.

"Your mine" I mumbled into her chest.
"I know I'm your always was and always will be" Natasha responded.

That was the day I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

This one was way longer than I expected but I hope you like it I love this one

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