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Miko was on her phone waiting for customers while Mitch was showing Five a video (wow, Mitch? Being nice? To five? That's very surprising). Y/n walked in the Hinobi store, and grabbed a charger, batteries, and something else. Y/n came up to the counter and smiled at Miko.

Miko smiled back and grabbed the stuff to ring it up "Hello, How are you?"

Y/n blushed a bit "I'm good, and you?"

Miko just replied with "I could be doing better"

After she said that Five giggled at the video in the background. Miko ignored him and sighed as she handed y/n their stuff. Y/n grabbed it and left a piece of paper with their number on it.

Miko grabbed the paper, looked at it and looked back up to see y/n leaving.

Miko whispered "I-.... Oookayy... '

(A little while later)

Miko sat down in a random chair in the back and took the paper outta her pocket and texted the number

ME_K.O: Hey this is the cashier girl from Hinobi, you left something here!'

Y/n: Oh, really? What'd I leave???'

ME_K.O: You left your number, want me to throw it away, or do you want to come pick it up?😏😏'

Y/n hesitated then replied back: you can just throw it away since it's already in your phone😊'

ME_K.O: Alright 👈👈😏'

Y/n smiled at their phone and replied but frowned and stared at their phone and blinked. Y/n continued staring at the phone screen as it read 'The person you are trying to message cannot be reached, or has blocked you.'

Y/n powered off their phone and dropped it on their bed and covered their head "I can't get no bishes TnT"

(With Miko)

Miko smiled and turned her phone off "You done good today, Miko...! You done good...!"

Five looked at her and sat next to her "Are-... Are you talking to yourself, Miko..?"

Miko just smiled at him, which scared him, like normal.

A/n I'm sorry for not updating, I have had school work and writersblock. I'll try to update as much as I can! 😊

Glitch Techs X Reader ~smut~ OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang