Miko pt. 2

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Y/n was on their phone at a coffee shop. The waitress came up and gave them their coffee. Y/n waited a little, playing on their phone and almost drank all of their drink. Y/n left the shop while looking down at their phone.

Suddenly there was a large thud right in front of y/n. Y/n looked up fast and saw the purple haired girl, and her friend fighting a giant robot thing. Y/n smiled and backed up as they put their phone in their pocket.

Five had the robot pinned against a tall, skinny building with a long chain he got from some where. Five strained and yelled "HURRY UP!!!!" Miko pulled out a huge hammer from her gauntlet and hit a specific spot on the robot's head. Y/n watched as the robot turned into what looked like game points. Miko and Five split the points and didn't realize that y/n had seen the whole thing.

With Miko's back turned to y/n, they walked towards her. Y/n was about to tap Miko's shoulder when Miko flung around and punched y/n as hard as she could. Miko looked down at y/n and realized they weren't another glitch (or Mitch). Miko panicked and tried helping y/n off the ground while saying "I'm so sorryyy, are you okay??!?!?" Y/n nodded in response and chuckled lightly as they stood up.

Miko got a good look at y/n's face and realized who they were "Oh, I-I know you... Heh.. Sorry for blocking you..." Y/n looked at her and said "It's fine, I understand why you did heh.. " while saying that y/n died a little inside.

Miko bit her lip as she realized what she had to do and leaned over and whispered to Five "Can you do it..?" Five sighed and nodded as he held up his gauntlet to Y/n's head and said sorry as he erased their memory.

Five and Miko ran away before clueless y/n could start another conversation. Y/n looked up and saw Miko and Five running confused. Y/n sighed and walked the other way sadly.

A/n I thought I had already uploaded this 3 days ago, so I'm sorry to the kind person who suggested this<3

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