The Midnight Wolf

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" This isn't fair!"

Chan rolled his eyes as he guided his horse through the forest, " You put this upon yourself Jisung."

" It's late and my feet are killing me!"

" We can't hear you," Jeongin sang.

Changbin and Felix laughed at the younger's taunting as Jisung glared at them, " What about those hunters huh?! What if I need to escape?"

" You have legs," Felix adds while laughing a little.

Jisung humphed while Minho groaned, " Why the hell aren't we allowed to ride our horses?!"

That's right, those two have to walk with their horses instead of riding them. Chan thought since they want to steal, they should walk like thieves.

According to him, thieves don't ride on horses, they run away from their consequences. Hence why they are walking.

Chan sighed, " That's your punishment."

" keep walking thieves," Changbin let out a loud laugh.

Minho glared at the boy, who continued laughing. Seungmin shook his head, he looked back at Jeongin's horse who consist of Jeongin and Hyunjin, he noticed the prince was quiet.

He couldn't help but feel all that guilt coming back to him. He felt embarrassed and awful at the fact he let his anger and frustration out on the prince.

He needs to apologize soon.

Seungmin frowned and looked forward.

Jeongin was enjoying the peaceful ride, even though his forever home was burnt to a crisp. And the fact that there are dangerous people after him and his loved ones but hey.

They aren't dead yet so that was something.

All he was happy with was the fact that his lover is with him and his family.

Yet, he couldn't enjoy it completely since he was bothered by the fact that his lover hasn't said a thing.

He looked over his shoulder and he just saw the prince laying his head down on his shoulder with his eyes opened and a pout on his face.

Jeongin sighed, this wasn't getting him anywhere.

He slowed his horse down, so the others wouldn't be able to hear their discussion. When he managed to be behind the others, he whispered out.

" Love? What's troubling you?"

He felt the prince shrugging his shoulders and sadly mumbled, " I don't know."

Jeongin shook his head, " You can't lie to me, hyungie what's wrong?"

Hyunjin lifts his head up and he sighed, " I'm scared."

" Of what?"

Hyunjin looked around at the dark forest then back at his lover, " W-We're back in the forest in the dark, and t-those hunters are still out there."

Jeongin stopped Lucy and he turned around, " No one is going to hurt you."

Hyunjin frowned, " W-What about you or the others Innie? And what if those hunters were speaking th-the truth about Jinyoung and m-momma? What if he's really dead and my mom is in danger?"

" Hey now," Jeongin comforted him as he grabbed his hand.

Hyunjin took a deep breath before he huffed, " A-And I'm scared about the p-people finding out about us."

Jeongin raised his eyebrow, " What do you mean?"

" Come on Innie, men who love each other that way are looked down upon, especially in my kingdom and...I can't go through with their harsh words and I don't want to put you through that either," Hyunjin whispered.

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora