Two Kinds of Evil

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" This is simply divine!"

" I know, and this place looks like it's made from the actual gold from the mines!"

One of the well-dressed maidens nodded with her freshly done and sculpted high-fashioned head.

She was told by her family to be extra careful since her hair was held in place by this gel her maid put on and she could barely move or breathe since her dress was covered in frills and a tight corset.

She needed to go all out for this ball, so why not?

" I wonder if King Taehyung will pick a maiden to dance with like the last year's ball~"

The other women in their circle giggled at the thought whereas one of the polished women playfully gasped.

"How dare you speak of my husband in such a matter? He shall dance with the love of his life and that shall be me!"

The two royal maidens laughed as they took in the lovely sight of the annual Stayia Ball.

Now the people weren't lying when they said that the Stayian kingdom really go all out for this grand ball.

The floor was shimmering as if it was made from gold, the beautiful chandeliers dangling at the top of the gold and white ballroom shining brightly as if they were the stars taken away from the cool night sky.

Royal maidens, merchants, kings, and queens were all gathered around this ball, there was not one soul in sight that wasn't dressed appropriately for this ball.

Hell, even the maids and servants got fitted to wear some fancy clothing and had to serve their guests in the best style possible.

As someone needs a drink, a well-dressed servant or maid would be there to assist them in any shape or form.

Now this ballroom wasn't just a nice and moderate size room, it was gigantic. There was so much floor space, yet it was a crowd.

We have the best of the best musicians playing their hit classical songs on the stage of the ballroom, we have many food options waiting to be served and they have the different golden tables that the guests shall sit on once their food is served.

Yes, they serve their guest food at this ball.

And I mean, all of the guests.

It's like going to a wedding or something, that's how much the Stayian ball works.

They make sure their ballroom is in top-notch shape, have all the maids and servants running around making sure the room is up to the king's standards, get the okay, cook for days, have the ball, and bam.

A successful ball.

Well, this year's ball was going to be a little different.

Unfortunately, the loss of King Hwang Hyuk and Prince Jinyoung would make the ball feel grim and down this year, everyone of course paid their respect towards the passing of the royals.

However, a new King and the return of the youngest prince should lift the low spirits, but...


" Han! What the hell are you doing!?"

Jisung lifts his head and he sees his friends' disgusted facial expressions, he tilts his head with an innocent expression on his face.

" Wat?"

Felix and Seungmin rolled their eyes, Changbin physically cringed, " Dude, you have cake all over your face."

Jisung blinked his brown eyes as his cheeks were stuffed with cake with frosting on his lips.

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now