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As the moon kept shining, underneath it was young men sleeping around their fire as the eldest of them stayed awake to keep watch.

He could hear the others' snores mixing in with the cricket's songs on a cool night. The breeze was light tonight, which was good for the others. There wasn't an army of bugs as well.

It was honestly a chill night.

Chan felt his eyes getting tired and kept yawning every once in a while, but he kept his eyes open and made sure nothing was lurking in the shadows.

He yawned once more and decided to get up and stretch, to keep his body awake. A sigh escape from his mouth, and his eyes looked up at the sky.

At this time, he would usually sneak back into his house and get some sleep in before going back to that dreadful job.

Chan was about to lay down when he heard mumbling, he turned his head. Seeing his brother and the rest of them sleeping peacefully made him feel at ease.

Then he saw his youngest brother sleeping while the boy next to him kept moving and mumbling something.

The blonde blinked, he walked over and squatted down next to the prince.

He was going to wake him up but, something made him pause.

" N-No, want Innie," he heard the prince whine.

Chan tilted his head, he knew that the two had some sort of bond but lately, he noticed something off with them.

" G-Go away."

Chan was confused, but there's more to it. He heard some more whimpering, and he blinked.

" L-Love him," the prince cried out in his sleep. Chan couldn't take it anymore, he started to gently shake him.

" Hyunjin," he whispered.

He kept shaking the mumbling prince, he kept shaking until he saw the prince slowly opening his eyes.

Hyunjin slowly blinked, he saw a blonde-haired boy in his vision, when he blinked once more he saw his hyung giving him a worried look.

" Hyunjin? Are you ok?"

Hyunjin blinked once more, he didn't speak. He just turned to his left and he saw Jeongin next to him. He was still sleeping peacefully.

Jeongin was ok.

He sighed with relief and he looked back up at his hyung.

" Are you ok Hyunjin," the older repeated.

Hyunjin sat up and stretched, " Y-Yes hyung."

Chan sighed with relief, " I'm glad, you were moving awfully a lot."

Hyunjin wiped his eyes and mumbled out, " I just had a nightmare, it's nothing."

Chan frowned at these words, " Hyunjin?"

The prince glanced over toward the older, " Yes hyung?"

" I don't mean pry into your business, but was... your dream about Jeongin?"

Hyunjin's heart stopped, but he try to keep it cool.

" W-What?"

" I know that you care for him. And the look you two give every time you speak to each other Hyunjin, I'm not blind," Chan let out a small chuckle.

Hyunjin bit his lips with unease, he didn't know he was that obvious.

If he's this noticeable now then in the kingdom everyone will see and everything will be ruined.

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now