Chapter 600,601- Their future, Their day.

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"Hm..November just went by..." Asteria muttered.

-Hey, ignorant bastard, wasn't your birthday on November 8?

Cale raised his brows. Why was he being asked about this?

Yeah, so?

-Do you want to watch something related to that? It would be confusing, as matter of fact, but I really want you all to watch that.

The world he was in now, didn't have that type of calender system.

Naturally, he would not reveal his birthday.

And Choi Han....that was doubtful..

But the scale in Cale's mind tilted towards the negative side. He was more inclined on believing he never celebrated his birthday in the current world.

...was it something about the past?


-What why? We didn't even celebrate your birthday! We have to atleast watch you celebrating it somewhere! I can also bring a large cake and we can celebrate it right now and here.

..huh? You... You've already decided to make everyone watch it. Don't ask me.

Cale's face turned stoic again as he avoided the 'cake' topic. Nope. He did not want that.

-Okay, I'll give you a spoiler. It is not your past. Hahaha

-...No, actually, you'll be shocked...boy, now I'm reconsidering my decision...

Cale paused. This goddess knew his personality well. If she was saying that he'd be shocked...

I'd rather not watch it.

-Okay, decided. We'll watch it.


-Ahahaha, okay, let me brief you about it. You were given a test by sealed one. He had gone a bit crazy at that time and sent you to another earth.

What in the fucking-

Had that motherfucking crazy god finally gone insane?!

Ah, no, he was born insane.

Cale was annoyed, to say the least.

-And, that's what you call Earth-2. It was your earth but 20 years back in time. Yup. That was the difference.

And how did I, get transported there? Possessing that world's me?

-Yes. You know sealed one is the god of despair, so you had to overcome your despair there.


-Yeah, so when you see any-supposed-to-be-dead-body, don't freak out.

Asteria then turned away from him and addressed everyone present.

"Alright everyone! We're gonna watch Cale celebrating his birthday on Earth 2!"

The keywords 'birthday' and 'Earth-2' caught everyone's attention.

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