Fuck Mathematics😏

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Mom: Is there anything you don't know about BTS?️🤷‍♀️
Me: Yes, their phone number🥴

Mom: Is there anything you don't know about BTS?️🤷‍♀️Me: Yes, their phone number🥴

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"SILENCE" A loud voice echoed in the classroom and all the chit-chats, whispers, teasing and yelling going on in the class, came to a halt. A middle aged man in his 50s stood there with some paper sheets in his hand, scanning the classroom from above his round metal framed specs.

"Students, The answer sheets of your last week's maths test are now marked. I will distribute them now." He kept the bundle on a desk and started announcing student's names one by one.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Just Fuck this mathematics!" The blue haired boy whispered-yelled with gritted teeth and furrowed eyebrows.

"But Tae....you can't fuck mathematics." His pink haired short friend who was sitting on his left, whispered in the same tone.

"Then fuck the person who invented mathematics."

"But he is already dead Tae." The blue haired boy frustratingly glared at his friend who passed him the sweetest smile with closed eyes.

"Oh really? Then fuck you!"

"Yoongi does it happily." Jimin winked at his already annoyed friend who rolled his eyes before looking forward. "Shut up Jimin!"

"Don't be this tensed Tae, it will not increase your marks. The results are already in teacher's hands."

"Really? You are acting like you are not even a tiny bit scared?" Tae looked at Jimin who just shrugged his shoulders. "No, because I am used to it."

"He is right." The brown haired boy who was sitting on left side of Jimin spoke but his head soon snapped up when the teacher announced his name loud.


"Yes sir!" Yoongi stood up, watching his teacher looking at his answer sheets and then at him. "Here.. 19/50."

Yoongi's eyes widened as he collected his paper and came back to his seat smiling, completely ignoring the stare which the blue haired was giving him before asking "why are you smiling?"

"Because I got one mark extra than the passing marks." Yoongi said, with his wide gummy smile and a proud head-up when his boyfriend passed a flying kiss to him.

"Congratulations buddy." The boy on right side of Tae spoke with a wide heart shaped smile.

"Thanks Hoba"


"Ooops....Yes sir!" Hoseok stood up and a mocking chuckle escaped from his teacher's lips. Hosoek, on heaing that, ducked his head down and stretched his nape as the teacher spoke "congrats! You managed to make it to the edge....18/50."

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