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"TAE WAKE UP!" Jin shook his younger brother in the morning to wake him up but the other was stubborn. "Hyuuunggg 5 more minutes please." Tae whined, now turning to the other side and his back was facing Jin.

"Tae wake up! Its already 8:30. We have to reach university at 9. You are already very late." Jin said, grabbing the younger by his shoulder and turning him to face him.

"Haha you think I'm a fool hyung? I know its not 8:30." Taehyung smiled proudly with half opened eyes and looked at the clock for time and his half open eyes went wide like soccers. "AAAH ITS 8:30? WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP HYUNG? AND WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY ALARM? I AM SURELY GONNA GET LATE TODAY!" Taehyung kicked his blanket away and rushed to the bathroom after sliding his feet into slippers.

"GET READY FAST! I will wait downstairs." Jin said before walking out of the room.

After few minutes Tae came out of the bathroom in a rush. He hurriedly took out thr first pair of clothes which he found and wore them. He just rubbed his towel hurriedly on his wet hair and just ruffled them. Those semi wet locks now beautifully fell on his forehead as Taehyung finally wore his shoes and grabbed his bag before rushing downstairs.

"God please save me today. I don't want to get detention. Please...please..." He ran downstairs and then passed by his mother who was arranging breakfast for him. "Morning mom!" He shouted while waving his hand and ran towards the door.

"Wait wait wait! Breakfast!" Mrs.Kim's voice stopped Tae on his track. "Not now mom I am already late." He said and again ran towards the door but stopped when mrs.Kim spoke again. "Tae, eat breakfast first."

"Mom I will eat something in the university  I am alrea–"

"Kim Taehyung come here and eat breakfast first!" Mrs.Kim said with a stern voice and Tae had no choice left so he ran towards the table "aah mom I am already late." He grabbed a sandwich from the table and ran towards the door. "I WILL EAT IT ON MY WAY."

"Aish this kid...YOU BETTER EAT IT!"

Tae came outside with mouth full of sandwich and saw Jin already waiting for him near his car.

"Sorry sorry hyung. Now lets go fast!"

"Okay okay get in the car." Tae was about to get in the car when he saw his dad coming from the garden so he waved his hand at him. "Bye bye dad." And without waiting for response, he sat into the car.

"Bye dad." Jin said and smiled but his smiled dropped when his dad just ignored his words and said "Bye Tae bear...go safely. Love you." and he left from there, not caring about the sadness that striked his elder son, not caring about those eyes which started getting moist again but were wiped off. Taking a deep breath, Jin sat in the car and drove away.


"Thankyou hyung." Taehyung said and ran out of the car.

"WAIT TAE!" Jin shouted and Tae turned arround, noe slightly jumping on his feet to show that he was in hurry. "What?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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