Chapter 11

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The gleaming morning sunshine pierced your eyelids, creating a rather red glow. Your hands clamp to your face to cover itself from the light, but you desperately rubbed your eyes. The painful sensation forced your eyes open, although your vision was rather foggy.

'Guhhh... morning...' Your head was pounding and your body felt stiff, you straighten yourself and turn your hips. How funny, your body, especially your groin felt rather sore, yet you couldn't remember why. You wanted to move, but you felt something, something heavy, warm and oh so soft.

You lift the covers and look down, Andr, with a complete lack of clothing rested on your chest, one arm wrapped around your waist and the other on your chest. The memories from the past night began to reappear in your mind, causing you to turn red.

'Oh... yeah, that happened. She'd be exhausted.' You gently ran your fingers through her hair, her dark, silky, heavy hair. Even in her sleep, she snuggled up a little closer to you. You smiled and laid back onto your pillow and wondered about the time, turning over to see.

'Ugh... twelve-thirty? What a sleep in...' You rub your face and groan, then you finally registered what the time actually was. 'Wait... twelve-thirty?! WHAT!?!' you yelled. 'CRAP WE'RE LATE!!!' Thanks to your yelling and sudden movement, you awoke Andr from her slumber.

'Mmm, morning...' As much as you wanted to cuddle up with that cute little face she made, you jump out of bed and pull back the covers. 'Ah? Hey!' she yells, but once she noticed her naked body, she instantly went silent and turned a deep red. You grab her clothing and pass it to her as you frantically tried to put on a sock.



'No time, just get changed!' With lightning speed, you reclothed yourself and started to help Andr too. She spoke again, but her words a little timid.

'Uh, h-how are we going to explain ourselves?' Her face turned a deeper red, the memory of the past night were back in her head now.

'Uhhh... we could say...' You froze then burrowed your face into your hands. 'I DON'T KNOW, WE'LL THINK OF SOMETHING!!!' Thoughts were buzzing around your brain, she made a supreme point. For the whole journey, you had arranged that everyone would be ready by nine O'clock. For both you and her to be this late would be very suspicious.

After a moment, Andr had all her clothes back on.

'Alright, let's go!' She nods and grabs your hand just as you were instantly enveloped by the warping sensation that pulled at your body. When you felt your feet hit the ground, the air felt heavier; there were many purple eyes staring at you and her. You saw John walking from the crowd and gave Andr a glace, she didn't look but squeezed your hand a little tighter. The old man rests his cane, leans on it and raises a grey eyebrow.

'Where were you two?'

'Ah- w-w we...' Your tongue refused to work with you. John opens his mouth to ask again, but Andr gets there first.

'Ken and I discussed some th-things last night about how we'll travel. We believed that we needed some more supplies, so we went back to his house to collect them but it t-took longer than we planned.' Some sweat fell from your forehead, saved.

'Alright, so where is it?'

'CRAP!' you though, but thankfully Andr had already answered

'I-It's in the cart already' she says, pointing at a storage cart near the back of the army. John looks at it, then back at you two and smiles.

Andr the EnderwomanWhere stories live. Discover now