Chapter 13

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'WHO DARES TO DESTROY MY CRYSRALS?! I'LL RIP THEIR HEAD OFF WHEN I FIND THEM!!!' it roared. You looked up, high in the cloudless sky, a massive black and purple creature flew with a tremendous speed. Its wingspan was ginormous. You watched as the creature flew down, landing on the rubble covered ground. Its long neck turned in different directions, observing the destruction that you and the others caused.

You knew well enough that this was the Ender Dragon. Its body was covered in soot-coloured scales, its eyes and mouth glowed a bright purple. Curtain areas on its wings had purple markings. From its neck to its tail, what looked like sharp black rocks protruded from its skin. Its horns and teeth looked like carved obsidian. But the main thing was its eyes, they seemed to contain the mind of an extremely old but powerful being, yet the dragon looked young.

Soon, it's gaze met you, Andr and John. A fury began to build behind its eyes.

'So, you're the bugs that destroyed my possessions? You got a death wish, little man?' he said, eyeing you. 'I can smell the gunpowder on your fingers, you can't hide from my sense of smell' it said with malevolent smile. You didn't know what to say, but it then moved a little closer. 'Strange... I don't recognise your scent... Just what are you?' You combated its gaze with you own.

'I'm a human.'

'HUMAN?!' the dragon thought. You turn, showing him Andr and John.

'These are my companions. Our elder guide John and Andr the enderwoman.'

'Andr... that sounds familiar...' it though again. Although its face was of a dragon's, its expressions were very human like. It raised its "eyebrow" and said:

'So, what's a human and two exiles doing in my domain?' You open your mouth to respond, but the dragon let out a hellish laugh. 'Don't think of me as a fool, I know who you are... You're Steve, also known as Ken.' You close your mouth and watch as the dragon's head leaned towards John and Andr. Its eyes locked onto Andr. 'And you're Andr, right?' Andr seemed to shrink under the dragon's gaze. It leaned back and closed its eyes. '*tisk* I should have expected this day to have come...' Its eyes opened; fires brewed behind them.

'You're here to kill me... aren't you?' it said with a low voice. All three of you take a step back. The dragon's wings opened up, posing the dragon as a menacing being of creation. With extreme speed, its tail whipped at your chest. The blow knocked you backwards; the shockwave did the same to Andr and John. You fly backwards and hit a stone wall; pain erupts from your back.

'GHA!!!' you spurt. The pain spreads across your body, but soon dissipates. You stand up and grunt.

'What a dirty move!' you thought. You crouch over and rub your back. 'That's gonna leave a mark...' You stand up straight and stretch, Andr and John come running over.

'Ken! Oh god, you ok!?' Andr says in a destressed voice. You pat her head.

'I'm alright, just a little sore.' You weren't sore anymore, but you strangely felt a little hungry. You look back at the dragon; a grin sat on its lips.

'That was a dirty blow!' you shout.

'That was a warning. If you think you got the power to defeat me, you must be bluffing!' it yells, following it with another harsh laugh. 'I mean, come on. A puny human, an old man and a motherless child couldn't possibly be enough to defeat me!' it shouts in a mocking tone.

'You... bastard...' you whisper. You clench your teeth, but Andr speaks up, but in a very different tone.

'Motherless? Did... did you j-just call me motherless?' Andr says in a higher voice. The dragon looks over at her.

Andr the EnderwomanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon