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*Fourteen years later...*

You were outside. The land was green, the sky was blue, and the sun was bright. Over the last ten years, you had been working your ass off. You had remodelled your house, went fishing more often, grew more crops and gone hunting more often too.

And that was because of these two... Two children stood in front of you: a eleven-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl. The two children were holding wooden swords. You stood opposite them; also holding a wooden sword.

'AAHHHH!!!' the boy cried. He charges at you and brings his sword down. You parry it and swing you blade to your right, blocking the girl's strike.

'Grmm' the girl groaned. You push forward, the children are thrown back.

'Need to be faster' the boy says to the girl. The children nod to each other then look back at you. You grin and raise your hand.

'I'm waiting...' The children run at you in a zig-zag movement. Your eyes trail both children. Soon, they came at you from both sides. Your blade knocks the boy's blade away and you kick the girl's back. Using your sword, you swing at the girl's side. She recovered quickly enough to block your attack but recoiled from the blow.

'GRAAA!!!' the boy cries again. His blade went straight for the back of your head. Thanks to the boy's cry, you know exactly where the sword was aiming. With record speed, you block the strike. 'Huh?!' You kick backwards. The boy sees the kick and blocks it but gets launched backwards. He hits the ground with a thud.

'Brother!' the girl cries. She runs over and falls to her knees. The brother coughs and gets onto a knee.

'I'm alright. You?'

'Yeah. How are we going to beat him?' The two children look at you. You loomed over them; your aura made them feel small.

'Hey, sis. I have an idea.' The brother whispers something into his sister's ear; you couldn't make out his words. His sister looks at him and nods.

'You quite finished?' The children stare at you. They stand up and ready themselves. You run forward and strike. Each time you strike, they both block at once. With their combined strength, they could block your attacks without recoiling. 'Clever tactic. But not enough!' You swing your blade horizontally. The kids both duck and charge forward. Because of your attack, you were wide open. You prepare for a double strike to the chest but instead:

'AAHHHHH!!!' The children launch forward and wrap themselves around your chest. They grab on and start laughing.

'What the? Hey- WOAH!!!' you cry. You and the children fall to the ground. Before you could recover, they sat themselves on your chest. The sister stands up and raises her hands.

'We win!' she yells happily. She stood on your stood on your stomach. Although she was rather light, her weight on your gut felt like hauling a big chunk of obsidian. The boy points his sword at your throat.

'Surrender?' he says. You couldn't do anything; you were pinned.

'Alright. I give up.' You raise your hands in surrender. After your words, the children jump onto you and started laughing. 'ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I GIVE IN!!!' You tried to push them off, but they were grabby children; their hands clutched every inch of your body. They hugged you tightly. 'Oh kids, get off!' you yell with a laugh.

'KIDS! LUNCH IS READY!' a voice yelled. The children let go and stand up.

'Coming Mom!' they both say. They run towards the house and forget about you. You stand up and dust yourself off.

Andr the EnderwomanWhere stories live. Discover now