Prologue - A new mutural killing

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It was all I could see, my eyes weren't closed nor was I blinded and yet I still stood in darkness until suddenly I was no longer in darkness a sudden flash came by as I saw something

Nick: where are we?

Faye: well short answer a classroom

Nick: and the long answer?

Faye: well it seems likely Hope's Peak


Monokuma: correct, truth bomb 3! The only way you'll get out of Hope's to kill and not get caught


Faye: anyway I'll continue seeing if my instincts were correct

Nick: they always seem to be

Faye: thats because I never give up

Right I remember now, those crucial moments first I woke up in Hope's Peak with 15 other Ultimates then a robotic bear named Monokuma appeared and told us we were in a killing game and the only way out was to kill and not get caught, finally were my last moments it seems there are still a few missing holes but I should be able to fill in the gaps after all if I wasn't given memories of those events surely there's a reason

Pod now opening

A sound like that only meant bad news soon I was spit out of this pod and just like that I was in a classroom well isn't that ironic around me I noticed another pod but decided against messing with it, for now I need to remember a few things

Who am I?

???: that is easy, I am Faye Warrington the Ultimate Detective

Faye Warrington
Ultimate Detective

Next, where am I?

Faye: well I am in a classroom but moreso it seems I am back at Hope's Peak

Okay now how did I get here?

Faye: it must've been the pod why else would I be in one

Now for the hard question, how am I still alive

Faye: well I can't be certain but I'm not even sure I am alive all I do now is that somehow I am here

Suddenly the pod next to me had the same words mine did and out popped a fairly short guy

???: oh dear I didn't expect to be close to a lovely lass

Faye: excuse me?

???: playing hard to get? I'm into this too

Faye: this is neither the time nor place I would think

???: I suppose I'll wait for a date later then

Boys sometimes

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