No straight road to truth

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Class trial resume

Monokuma: you know I really don't know how in the world you are all figuring out this trial, I mean I'm the mastermind of this killing game, I know exactly how this case came out and yet even I'm getting confused at times...hmm maybe it was because I blinked at one point? Well that certainly makes the case a little harder, so I even know the killer? Oh wait I can't blink because I'm a bear duh

Vicky: so Janet was the one who planned this murder then

Derek: dammit Janet, you are meant to be the smart one here, why did you do something so stupid

Adam: people do things that seem unnatural when put in a strange situation

James: I'll admit she definitely seemed like one of the more level headed ones

Sebastian: must you continue this prattle? Janet attempted a murder so what if it seems out of character or you would rather not accept it, the truth is all that matters wouldn't you say?

Leary: unfortunately he's right, we must accept it

Ozan: so huh, where do we go from here?

Harry: well KNOWING Janet planned this murder means we have to put a lot of things in perspective for example what was her MOTIVE

Alice: it's got to be that redemption motive right? Who knows what reward Sebastian was given

Lewis: so in that case what could Janet's circumstance be?

Sebastian: there is always the most simple option, perhaps she needed to use a knife

Faye: no I don't think that is the case, because if it was we would all immediately be able to figure out she did it

Zara: we would?

Jill: hmm I suppose we could I'm have asked to see everyone's on their Monopads right?

Faye: however since it's Janet that is our victim that is no longer the case

Leary: so...where did she get the knife?

Vicky: that's a good question

Ozan: and one we best figure out ey

They are right, we must figure this out

Non stop debate start

Leary: where did Janet get the knife?

Alice: that knife is a ceremonial one

Lewis: could that relate to something?

Ozan: maybe, maybe not

Zara: if we speak of it relating to something

Zara: then how about the location

Derek: that knife must've been taken from Janet

Derek: so could a talent be the key?

Adam: that seems unlikely

James: is there any other evidence maybe

Sebastian: you are all truly fools

Leary: it's not as if you are helping...

The knife that Janet used and ended its life...where did she get it?

Leary: where did Janet get the knife?

Alice: that knife is a ceremonial one

Lewis: could that relate to something?

Ozan: maybe, maybe not

Zara: if we speak of it relating to something

Zara: then how about the location

Danganronpa Despair RedemptionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz