The accusaton for truth

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This was it, I have looked at the evidence and with it I have my suspects now for the accusation!

Faye: Vicky Bawn

Vicky: ...

Faye: Lewis Cope

Lewis: ...

Faye: Adam Edmanson

Adam: ...

Faye: the killer is one of you!

Sebastian: so that's your choice, interesting

Adam: so blame falls on us

Vicky: wait but why?

Faye: it's simple, at the time of the murder there were only three people who for a fact wouldn't be killed those being Vicky, Lewis and Adam

Adam: so you are saying because we were all in the locked room at the time we couldn't be killed

Faye: it's hard to be killed when you can't access the room where the murder weapon is

Lewis: yeah that's true...

Vicky: but wait couldn't you say that about everyone?

Jill: huh what do you mean?

Vicky: well I don't know how the exact order of picking rooms went so could you tell us?

Alice: first Ozan suggested he and Harry go to floor 4, then I suggested that Jill should go check your rooms then I said I would go to floor 2

Sebastian: leaving myself and Faye to floor 3

Adam: that matches with the Monokuma file at least

Vicky: I see well since Ozan picked the fourth floor before anyone else picked a floor doesn't that mean you are just as safe as us?

Alice: I...suppose yes

Adam: if the victim hadn't picked first we could look at those who picked before the victim as suspects and those who picked after could be considered safe

Jill: wait but big bro Harry is definitely innocent right?

Adam: as long as we can believe his story he is

Vicky and Adam have both raised interesting points, even so I believe the killer is in their group

Non stop debate start

Vicky: it's too early to suspect only us three

Jill: the timeline does make sense...

Lewis: I believe in us, I don't think Vic or Adam would kill someone

Sebastian: you realise Adam killed in your killing game

Adam: I admit to that but it was only for my justice

Sebastian: this could be for your justice as well

Lewis: wait ignoring all of that

Lewis: we were locked in that room with no way out

Vicky: honestly I thought the killer did that to kill us

Vicky: but I suppose it was part of their plan

Sebastian: and what does the killer gain from trapping you all?

Vicky: it makes us suspicious! This is why you thought we did it

Jill: that's true, only those three were suspicious to Faye

Adam: however this should clear all of us

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