Having a rocky restart

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It might have just been my imagination but it felt as if this elevator ride was going on forever, as if I was in an endless spiral of insanity, well I can't let my head be hurt by this, I'll just do what I normally do before a trial, think about all the evidence and try and get an idea of who I can put on my suspect list, as much as I don't want to suspect these people I know I have no choice

Monokuma: welcome, welcome to the class trial grounds, for some of you this was the last thing you saw before you died and for others you don't even remember this place now everyone take their places so I can give a breakdown of what's going on here

Not wanting to break Monokuma's rules we took our places, to my right was Ozan and going around the circle was Lewis, Janet, Zara, Adam, Vicky, Alice, John, Harry, Sebastian, Leary, Jill, James and a portrait of Chloe, lastly was Derek to my left

Monokuma: now then since plenty of you don't actually remember the rules of the class trial plus there might be some changes I'll go over the rules

Janet: here comes the Monologue

Derek: heh Mono-logue, cause it's Monokuma

Janet: congratulations you can understand English

Monokuma: as I was saying!

Lewis: he sounds mad

Monokuma: now for a basic explanation of the class trial. You all will discuss you would believe committed the crime of murder, after I am satisfied that you are all done you will all vote for who you believe is the blackened, if the blackened is given a majority vote then they alone will be punished, otherwise everyone else will be punished

Adam: sounds the same to me

John: well at least we all know what we are doing

Harry: WHERE do we start

Vicky: we should probably talk about the circumstances of Chloe's death

Derek: Chloster was found in the zen room this morning right?

Ozan: seems like it, and the ones that found her were Faye, Janet and James

Jill: big brother has a knack for this kinda thing

James: d-don't say that Jill

Leary: from what I saw of the body it didn't have any major wounds, then again I didn't see much

Lewis: that's not alot of information but I suppose it is a start at least

Derek: not a lot of info? Little dude did you even look at the body we know so much from it

Zara: I would have to agree

It seems the trial is beginning for real now, I just need to show what an Ultimate Detective can do

Non stop debate start

Leary: what was Chloe's cause of death?

John: well not everyone got to investigate her body

John: so we need to make it clear

Zara: Chloe didn't seem to have many wounds

Janet: if any at all

Alice: there wasn't much blood on her either

Lewis: at least she didn't suffer much then...

Ozan: well what's the murder weapon?

Derek: it has to be the glass bits on her body

Derek: those are all I saw

Well that clearly doesn't add up, I'll just need to use evidence

Danganronpa Despair RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora