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I figured I could start by going by Savannah's apartment but a small detail came to me. When Evan and I sat in the garden the day of the gender reveal, he mentioned Savannah having no place to go and she needs time to find a new home for her and the baby because something happened. But she never told him exactly what. Which means she will be at Evan's loft.

I knock gently against the door and wait.


I knock again, this time a bit more harder. Still, nothing. I press my ear against the door. No movement inside. Where the hell could she be?

I take my phone out and scroll through my messages until I find the unsaved number I'm looking for. I press the contact info and call. I get her voicemail. Damn it. Where could she be?

After standing outside the apartment for a couple minutes trying her cell and getting her voicemail every time, I make my way back to my car and head to the hospital. Guess I'll have to wait to get my answers. But right now, I'm going to spend time with my guy. I feel a smile break on my lips. Things have been so rough but having Evan back really makes me things are starting to look up.

Once I arrive at the hospital, Dianne gives me a huge smile.

"Hi Dianne"
"Hi baby! That smile looks good on you"

I laugh. "Yeah. It feels good too"

"You have someone waiting for you over there" she points towards Evan's room.

"Oh yeah, who?"

Dianne gives me a small shrug and says no more but I don't miss the smile that flashes across her face before she turns away from me.

I slowly make my way towards Evan's room, curious as to who is waiting for me.

A small voice causes me to halt outside the door.

"I heard you had another surgery."

Christopher. I smile and slowly enter the room. When Christopher sees me, his eyes light up instantly.

"Stella!!!" The widest smile flashes across that sweet face of his

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Stella!!!" The widest smile flashes across that sweet face of his.

"Oh my Christopher!" I embrace the small boy into my arms. "How are you buddy?"

"Good" he giggles. "Uncle Buck had another accident" he says.

"I know, he looks all banged up doesn't he?"

Christopher laughs and points at Buck. "You look terrible"

Buck gasps. "Wait until I am out of this hospital bed buddy. It is on!!!"

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن