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Thoughts from Stella eight months from now:

Growing up in Florida was something else. There was always a party, the beach wasn't too far, the weather was amazing. We had Disney World and Universal Studios. Miami was always the spot for spring break. The boys were hot. I focused on my school but also managed to have fun and got caught up with boys here and there. I was always a good girl but I had my wild side. What else do you expect from a girl born and raised in Siesta Key? I've learned to control myself, be more responsible once I started college and be smart about things. In High School I was boy crazy and my mom would always tell me to be careful. I would go to them for affection and I'm not sure if it's my fathers absence that caused me to be that way. I know I don't need a man to survive but it also is nice to have that love from a guy. I promised I'd steer away from any trouble when I got to L.A. That men could wait, love could wait. I thought it would all be easy but nothing is ever easy when Evan Buckley is in your life.


After my erupt exit out of Buck's room, I took a few moments to get myself together. Why am I letting him get to me that easily? I don't know but I'm at work and this can't be happening. I did go back to check on him after my moment of anger and Dr. Harrison was already there looking over his chart. He ordered Buck to get checked out to see if we missed anything that might need surgery. Buck wasn't fond of the idea but he listened to Harrison. Buck did not hesitate to rub it in my face when everything came back clear. He was in the green and was discharged later that afternoon. I made sure he wasn't able to find me on his way out.

I caught Gigi up on everything I've been feeling and my attempt in trying to avoid Buck. She frowned when I told her.

"Why are you trying so hard to avoid him? He seems decent" she said. "Unless there's someone else who has your interest"

"Decent isn't good enough and no there isn't someone else." Who wants to be with a decent guy? That won't benefit me. She shrugged and continued eating her lunch.

It was almost the end of my shift and I was ready to meet my bed. On my way out I was stopped by Victor. He seemed anxious, hands on his hips. Hopefully he wasn't about to tell me I needed to stay a bit longer tonight.

"On your way out?" He asks. I give him a soft 'mhm.'

"Uh well I had a quick question" here it comes. I prepare myself for him to ask if I can stay to help with something. I was ready to say yes but a whole other question came out of his mouth.

"Would you like to go to dinner sometime this week? With me of course" his hand rubs the back of his neck. Oh. That is not what I was expecting. At all. This isn't happening to me right now. My attending is asking me to go out to dinner. Me and him. Alone.

"Dinner? Me and you?" My hand does a weird gesture as I point between us. I'm having difficulty processing this.

"If you want" he shrugs, "as friends of course" there goes the of course again which hints his nervousness. I should say no but I find myself not being able to. I suck at following my own rules.

"I just had a really good time talking to you the night of the gala. It's rare to be able to have a conversation, a real conversation with an intellectual. And maybe I'm trying to bribe you to come on over to Cardio in the future."

"Ahh I see" I laugh. "Sure. I'd love to" I'm a girl who likes doing risky things. No matter how hard I try to shove her down she always climbs her way up. How the hell did this happen? I'm going to have to tell Gigi right away. I should call her when I get home. She's going to freak.

Relief flushes over Victor, his body is less tense and a smile splits his lips. He was probably expecting a rejection.

"Great. Okay. Umm how does Friday sound?"
"Good" I say without thinking.

FIRE & BLOOD • EVAN 'BUCK' BUCKLEY / 9-1-1Where stories live. Discover now