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"Are you doing math stuff again?" Drum asks as he enters the room. "Ooh, can I watch?"

Gwyn nods at him. His fingers are typing on a computer rapidly, entering and solving equations to try and make the perfect bey. He'd upgrade Genesis as much as he needed to.

"I think Genesis is already great," Drum says, as if reading his mind. He leans his head on Gwyn's shoulder, squinting at all the numbers on the screen. "I get that you want to make it stronger, but Beyblade isn't all about winning. You should focus on how much fun it is!"

"Winning is fun, isn't it?"

Drum laughs. "Of course it is! But you can still have fun without winning." He yawns, moving to rest his head on Gwyn's lap.

Gwyn chuckles, patting Drum's head gently before going back to typing. Drum begins to hum a gentle tune as he closes his eyes. It's a soothing sound that reminds Gwyn of the first time they met, where he felt the same butterflies in his stomach that he does now. He just wishes it didn't take him so long to acknowledge those feelings.

Eventually his humming dies down, leaving only the sound of Gwyn's fingers against the keyboard. Minutes passed before Drum spoke.

"I love you."

Gwyn's entire body jumps. His mind goes blank, and for a second he's almost certain he must have imagined it. But looking down at Drum's bright eyes and gentle smile clears away those doubts instantly.

"Oh." Gwyn isn't sure how to respond. He knows he's supposed to say he loves him back, but... He's not sure if he can.

It was so hard for him to recognize Drum as a friend, and it got even harder when Drum confessed his feelings to him. Gwyn smiles just thinking about it. Drum knows how much trouble Gwyn has when it comes to his emotions, yet he likes Gwyn regardless. It's something he still doesn't understand.

Drum giggles. "You don't have to say it back. I just thought you should know."

Gwyn nods. He can feel the guilt pulling at his heart, but he's confident that one day he'll be able to express his love out loud, just like Drum does.

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