Chapter One

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"So your breaking up with me," he asked over the phone.

"Mike, look. It's just best." I sighed. Because I'm moving to your state.

"You haven't even given me a reason!" He shouted. I didn't know what to say, and after a moment I heard a grunt.

"Fuck you," and he hung up.

I ran my hand through my hair and swallowed sharply. Staring at my phone I realized what I had actually just done. I broke up with my boyfriend of three years.

Living in North Carolina, and him in New York, it was a hard relationship. We had met at a soccer camp in Conneticut, and we instantly clicked. He didn't know he was gay, and still denies that he is.

I knew that he wouldn't want to come out, even with me closer to him, and I decided that it was too much. On both of us. He would feel pressured, and I would feel like I was pressuring him. Ending the relationship was the best way.

My phone rang, and I looked at the I.D. Mike. I answered the phone, and regretted the decision as soon as I heard him crying on the other end.

"You son of a bitch. You played with my heart for four years. And now you won't even give me a God damn reason!" I flinched at his words. He never was one to curse.

"Answer me!" He yelled into the phone.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"FUCK YOU!" He hung up again.

I sat on my bed, not moving. My suitcases were packed, and everything was ready to go. In less than an hour I would be on a plane to New York. I closed my eyes, and rubbed my face with my hand.

"Honey, are you all packed?" I jumped. My mom stood in my doorway. I clenched my jaw, and nodded.

"What's wrong?" She pouted, "Awh, You know it won't be that bad. You'll make friends."

I stood up, and laughed dryly.

"What's wrong? We're moving to fucking New York. For our God damn step father's job. It's my senior year and your moving me away from all my friends," I unleashed on her.

"Beau. This is not your father's fault. He got a job transfer. As for your friends, you'll make new ones," she tried telling me.

"If people are that replaceable why don't you go and replace our step dad with a man that lives in North Carolina."

She gasped, and shook her head at me.

"Beau Tanner. Not another word." Closing the door, she left.

We left our house around 7, and the plane was to leave at 8. The sun had gone down, and the day just seemed dreary. Waiting was not my brother and I's specialty. We paced around the waiting area relentlessly. Occasionly our parents would shoot us looks, but we silenced them with our looks back.

"Flight 185-B now boarding," the overhead announced.

"About fucking time," Aaron barked.

"You two really need to clean up your language," Steve, our step father, said.

Aaron replied by giving him the finger. Steve looked at my mother with shock, as if telling her to say something to him.

"It's been a long day, just let it go." She told him. In response, Steve shook his head and muttered something under his breath that I didn't catch.

The plane ride wasn't uncomfortable, but it wasn't a spa trip either. I was oh so fortunate to be given the window seat, and ended up watching out the window for most of the flight.

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