Chapter Seven

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"A week? You want me to stay in a hospital room for a week?" I scoffed at Dr. Rousseau.

He had called me in his office just after my Chemo to discuss my progress. Apparently it wasn't going well.

"Yes, this way we can better see what's going on. And if you need medical attention you'll be able to have access to it," he answered calmly.

"I don't need medical attention."

"You're loosing too much weight and I don't think you're taking good care of yourself. We will moniter you here and get you the best care."

"I can't be here for a week. I've got things to do," I told him.

Like take and pick up my brother from school. I also had no way what I would tell my mom about being gone for a week.

"This is more important," Dr. Rousseau said sternly gazing at me from under his glasses.

"What am I suppost to tell my mother?" I asked incrediously.

He chuckled, "how about that you have cancer, and need to go to the hospital."

My eyes darkened at him.


He sighed, "Beau...-"

"I'll figure it out," I cut him off.

One way or another I would have to find a way to get here.

"So you'll come?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Good. I'll have the details emailed to you."

My mom was going to kill me for missing a week of school. I was going to need a killer excuse.

When I walked inside the house and looked for her I found her in the kitchen with Steve preparing some sort of meal. They stopped cooking when they saw me enter.

My mother smiled warmingly at me, while Steve just glared at me.

"I, uh, I'm going to be missing school for the next week. And I'm not going to be here," I stuttered ignoring their eye contact.

Mom's smile faded into a grimace, "Why do you think that is?"

I swallowed hard, thinking quickly of a reason. Eyeing the cross on the kitchen wall, I got an idea.

"A retreat. For chuch," I said almost convincingly.

With the mention of church, Steve's eyes lit up and he became animated.

"Why that's a great idea! Which retreat is it?" he asked.

"U-Uh... Willow Run," I made up a random name.

"I don't think I've heard of that one before," he said confused.

My mom stayed silent, her arms crossed on her chest, watching us.

"Yeah, it's new. Cole introduced me to it," I lied.

"Sounds like a good idea. I'll have to ask Cole about it," Steve said. Uh oh.

My mom looked at me, "I suppose, if it's a retreat. And as long as you get all your make up work done."

I nodded, "I will."

"Then I don't see a problem with it," she decided.

"Thanks." I started to leave, when she called me back.


"Does Aaron want to go?" she asked.

I almost tripped over my legs. I hadn't prepared myself for that question.

Trust me, I'm Lying [Boyxboy]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz