Chapter Seventeen

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When I came to, I looked all over the room for his face. There was no sign of him. However, there was a lump of a body at the end of my bed that, through my blurry vision, I could make out as Aaaron.

I use as much force as possible, which isn't a lot, and kick him in the head.

"Buzz off, fuckface," he mumbles. After a second he wakes up a little more and seems startled. 

"Holy shit. You're awake."

"Back from the dead, I am."

Apparently our commotion wasn't so quiet. My bad? The door started to open and I finally get to see my mom again in what seemed like forever.

"Oh, sweetheart," she looked like she was going to cry. I felt like I was missing something.

"Where's Cole?" I ask skeptically. Bracing myself for the worst.

"Cole's fine, honey.You're fine, too," Mom answered.

"Then what am I missing?" I get out slowly.

"You've been out for twelve days," Aaron blurts. 

What the fuck? I thought it was going to be  simple, or as simple as Cancer surgeries can get. What the hell went wrong?

"Where's Cole?" I ask again.

My family looks at each other, their eyes conveying something untold.

"What the fuck arem't you guys telling me," I cry.

Mom sat down at the end of my bed and pat my leg. She takes a moment to think of how to phrase what she wants to say.

"Cole's marrow didn't take," she tells me.

I look up at Steve, his face displaying no emotion.

"So I'm fucked? I'm not fine? You guy's were bullshitting me?" I begin to ramble, my heart race beginning to increase, as I realize what this means.

"No," my mom reached out and holds my shoulders, "You had another donor."

This can't be happening. 

"Mike came and-"

"Mike?" I shout. No fucking way. How would his take, and Cole's not. Why would he even volunteer with a 50% chance of getting infected. Silently, I curse the doctors for keeping me knocked out for twelve days. I had missed way too much.

"Yes, Mike," Mom said in a much quieter voice than me. "There were no complications with either of you. He heard that Cole's didn't take and that you were in dire condition. You were in a coma at the time. Day three. And he volunteered. That was it."

"So that's where Cole is? With Mike?"

She nodded.

I threw my head back against the pillow, "What even is my life."

"I want to go see them. Can I go to his room?" I ask after a few minutes.

"You just woke up from after twelve days. I don't think you should be moving too much."

"Then make them come here," I begged.

Before they came, doctors ushered blood tests on me, and everything in between. Just when they were done Mike and Cole came in.

Mike seemed to be back to his old self, but I didn't know why.

Cole came over and kissed me on my forehead, "Bout time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty." He then laid on my bed next to me.

"You asked for us?" Mike pipped up.

"Why'd you do it?" I get straight to it.

"I'm sick of hating you."

"Wow. How very heart warming."

He raised his eyebrows, "It saved your life didn't it?"

"If I'm going to owe my life to somebody, I want to know why."

"I told yo-"

I interrupt him, "Yeah, yeah. Bullshit. What's the real reason."

Mike looked down at his feet and stuffed his hands in his pocket, "I don't want to be this way."

"Gay?" I chided.

"A homophobic gay," he looked back up at us.

"I'm lost."

"Would you stop, be nice." Cole flicked my ear.

Mike sighed, "I figured it was time I let go of the resentment I have toward myself. And to do that, it meant letting go the resentment I have toward you. Plus, when I heard you were sick, if I could help I would. Anyone would. I'm not heartless."

"I'd beg to dfh-" my words were muffled by Cole's hand over my mouth.

"I'm sorry for everything I've done and said. For being a hypocrite. For cheating. For Aaron. For all the bruises and shit. I'm sorry."

"It's cool, I'd say we're fair. You did save my life."

Mike and Cole both shook their heads.

"Just don't turn back into an asshole."

"I know," Mike mumbled. Out of the corner of my eye I could feel Cole's glare on me and I knew what he was trying to convey. So I did what he wanted.

"Seriously though, thanks. You didn't have to do it."

Cole rested his chin on top of my head.


"Well Beau should probably get some sleep. He won't admit it but I know he's dog tired," Cole spoke for the both of us.

I just slept for twelve days.

"Yeah, see ya."

Finally alone with Cole, I could relax.

"You know, I'm a bit jealous that his took and mine didn't," Cole whispered into my ear from above me.


"Yeah." I could feel his lips on the top of my head.

"Well don't fret. That's just God being dramatic."

I could feel Cole smile and I was glad that I made it a little bit better.

Tipping my head up just the slightest, I let our lips connect with ease. A slow kiss, not eager to go anywhere.

He pulled away and looked at me, "So what's on your bucket list anyway?"

I gave Cole a wicked smile.  

"You just wait." 

"Is anything on it illegal?"

"You'll just have to wait to see," I returned.

"You're a handful, Beau."

 "Just the way you like me."

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