Chapter Ten

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Chloe's POV

We finally arrive at my house. I open the door and put my shoes away. I can see Brett is doing the same thing. I walk straight to my room. I close the door and sit on my bed. I keep thinking about his words and I can't help but smile. He is my teacher and I can't like him. Well, he will not going to be my teacher after I graduate this year. Still, I'm confuse. Do I really like him now? Do I really fall for him? My thoughts are flying high when somebody is knocking on my door and I know exactly who it is. "Chloe, may I come in?" "Sure, it's not locked." He opens the door and I can see he is shirtless. I can feel my face is as red as a tomato now... Or maybe my mom's red lipstick... I immediately throw a pillow to him. "Ouw! What was that for?" "Why are you shirtless??" "Well, it's hot and I usually take my shirt off at night." Now it is freaking hot because of you. "Put your shirt on! Now!" He laughs and he puts his shirt on. "You know, it's funny 'cause a few hours ago, we were making out and you took off my shirt. But now, you are embarrased because I'm shirtless?" Okay, my face is really as red as my mom's red lipstick. "What do you want?" I ask to change the topic. I can't answer his question because I don't even know why I'm embarrased. "I don't know where should I sleep." Oh yeah, I forgot to tell him. "You can sleep at the guest's bedroom." "I don't think I will be sleeping there." "Why?" He sits on my bed, coming to me, and wrapping his arms on my waist. "I think I'm comfortable here." I don't know how to describe how red my face is now. I take off his arms. "No you can't. You sleep at the guest's bedroom and that's final!" "But I..." I pull him to stand up and push him away out from my room. "Good night sir!" I close the door and stand in front of it. My heart is beating really fast. No way... I can't fall for him. No Chloe, don't! Urgh I really need to sleep now!

Brett's POV

I stand in front of her room and I smile. I really can imagine how we will be a couple in the future. How she blushed, how she smiles, how she acts, really makes me want her. I never felt like this and it feels so good. I open her door and I can see she's already sleeping. I walk inside and close the door. I walk to her and I see her angelic face. I rub her face and feel her soft skin. She really is a miracle in my life. The light that can get me out from this darkness I've been living in. I kiss her cheek and turn off her lamp on the table.

Chloe's POV

I open my eyes and I look at the clock next to me. It's 4 am in the morning but somehow, I don't feel like I'm sleepy or tired. I try to get up but I feel there's a hand around me. I turn my head and I see Brett's face is literally only inches away from me. I don't want to shout because I don't want to wake him. His face is really gorgeous, even when he is sleeping. I look at him for a long time and I can't help not to smile. "I know that you're looking at me." I'm really surprised that he is actually awake and even more surprised when he opens his eyes. "I think you're in love with me now." "Not a chance! And why are you sleeping next to me!" "Well..." He wraps his arms on me even tighter. "I want to have a nice comfortable sleep and with you, I have the best comfortable sleep ever." I actually laugh because of his words. "Nice try, don't be such a flirt! Now get up because we have to go to school today!" I try to get up but then he turns his body. So now, he's on top of me. "I need a booster." I thought by booster, he wants to grab a coffee. "Then go grab your booster!" "Okay then." He immediately kiss my lips. Nope, it's not a make out session. He kiss me softly but passionately. I can't help but wrapping my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my body. I enjoy every second of this kiss and I feel like I don't want it to end. He grabs my shirt and takes it off. I do the same thing to him so now I'm only wearing my bra and he is shirtless. He trails down to kiss my neck, then my body. I can feel his lips on my stomach, makes me moan. He goes up again and kiss me again. He unbutton his pants and takes it off. He also takes my pants off so I'm only wearing my bra and underwear. Good thing I wear a matching black bra and underwear. I guess even though it's black, it's still turns him on. He wraps his arms once again, kissing my neck and try to unhook my bra. When I finally realize what he's doing, I stop him. "Wait." I look at him. "I don't want to do this... Now." He looks confuse but then he looks like he realizes something. "I'm so sorry, Chloe.. I guess it's because... umm..." "Because of?" "Well, because it's been so long for me to love someone." I rub his cheeks and give him another kiss. This time, it's only a soft long kiss. "So... Do you love me now?" He asks after we kiss. I look away from him and rest my head on his shoulder. "I don't know... I don't know about my feelings right now." He rubs my back and hug me. We stay at our position for a long time until he grabs both of my shoulders, making me sitting straight in front of him. "Someday... You'll know about your feelings. Someday, you'll finally realize about my feelings and I hope that someday, you and I will share the same feelings together." I can see that he's being serious. It's just, can I really trust him? "C'mon, let's go get ready. You don't wanna be late to school."


Got really inspired right now so I finally do an update hahahahaha.

Well, I actually have a math homework but you how awesome math is. It's so freaking awesome that it makes me wanna burn it.

If some of you like math: i just can't see why you like math

I include Love Me Tender by David Archuleta because I think it's perfect for this chapter.

So, hope you guys like this newest update. Feel free to comment and vote for this story!

Oh yeah, one more thing...


Well, probably it will be more after I update this. So thank you guys so much for reading this story, giving good comments and also thank you for voting this story! Thank you guys so much!

If you want to read my other stories, you can read Falling (A Dylan O'Brien Fanfiction) and my newest story This Means War (of Love) | A Sheo Fanfiction. Thank you guys and see ya on the next chapter!

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