Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chloe's POV

Right now, I am sitting across Lizzie. She's sitting on my bean bag chair and I'm sitting on my bed. She has her jaw drop right now. "So you're telling me... you've been having some kind of a relationship with Mr. Dalton and that guy who is looking like a freaking god is your brother??" "Well, first of all, my brother is not looking like a god." She looks at me. "Seriously? Have you noticed how well-built he is??" I mentally agree with her. "But still... he doesn't look like a freaking god." "You cannot lie, he looks like that he's a demi god or a greek god." I don't know why but I have this thought of joking her. "What's the difference between a demi god and a greek god?" I try my best to look really dumb and I guess she buys it. "Seriously Chloe? It's totally different!" I laugh and she gives me her usual annoyed stare. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry Lizzie. Well, yeah he does look like a greek god but then again, it still makes me feel weird." She looks confused. "Why?" "I haven't met him for a long time and then he showed up with a whole different look. I mean, I like it but there's just something..." "Wrong?" "Yeah. Do you think it's weird?" She takes a deep breathe and starts talking. "Well... I won't say it's weird. You guys missed each other's growing years. Yes, your parents did send your photos to him but it's totally a different thing. Maybe you can hold their photo but you cannot the one in photo for real." I can only look at her and mentally agree. "So my suggestion, you guys should do things together more. Starting from today." Yeah... That's not a bad idea after all. "Sure. I'll do it Liz." She smiles. "That's the spirit. And now, let's talk about your secret affair with Mr. Dalton!" I only sigh and throw myself to my bed.

Brett's POV

She still looks the same.

The girl I used to love in high school.

The girl I swore I would never hurt her.

Yet, I hurt her.

"How are you?" I finally ask her

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"How are you?" I finally ask her. We've been sitting in this cafè for almost an hour without talking to each other. "I'm good. I see that you're also good." She takes a sip of her warm milk tea. "Yeah, things are good here." She then looks at me. "Not like in New York right?" I look at her and I can see something in her eyes. Hurt. I take a deep breathe, try to control my emotion. "Are you... Are you going to bring up what happened in the past?" She takes another sip of her tea. "I still want to know why you did that to me. I thought you loved me. I thought that we were going to last. But that night really was our last night together." I have no idea what to say. I feel like I wanna cry but I can't. I can't embarassed myself in front of her. If I cry, that means I break my own walls. "I was a fool. I can't think straight. I made a commitment but I didn't hold on it." She keeps on looking at me. "That was my biggest mistake I've ever made to you." "You know how much I loved you back then right?" I can't. I can't look at her. "Yes." "Yet, you still break my heart. I was a fool too for just running away like that without knowing your explanation. If you said what you did was your biggest mistake, what I did was the best decision I've ever made." I can feel pain in my chest when she said that. "Because of you, I ran away from the life I dreamt about. Because of you, my parents sent me to England because they didn't want to see me suffer any longer." Heart, bare with me please. I need to stay strong. "But because of you, I found the one I was actually looking for. The one I really love." I'm trying my best to hold my tears. I finally speak out. "So... What's your point?" "My point is, you should also find the one. The girl that is truly right for you. We were young and fool, learn from it. Don't do the same mistake again." "What about the box you sent to me?" She smiles. "I was about to burn it but I can't. So my brain tells me to send it to you. Maybe because you can do it better than me." "Why can't you burn it?" Then the silence surrounding us. "It was my best memory. The memory I learnt most from, of how not to be a fool all over again."

I can no longer handle the pain.


yeah, i know. i'm so bad for not updating for so long.

Well, these past few months I've been dealing with family issues. One of them is my grandpa's funeral. He died because of cancer and compilation. After he died, things didn't work well. My grandma and my mom's siblings finally showed their true color. They against my parents and I. We never did anything bad to them but then again, they didn't accept us at all. After all this time, only my grandpa loved my family. I lost the spirit and tried to heal myself.

But now, I'm back and I will try to update soon. Also because this is my last school year (next year I will go to college. Time flies so fast, eh?), I have a lot to prepare and to do. Exams, projects, homeworks etc.

Oh yeah, why I include Christina Grimmie's Liar Liar? For me, it kinda suits Brett and Rossa's situation here 😊

So hope you like this new update and see you soon on the next chapter! Adios!

Mr. Bad Boy and I (ChloeBrett Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें