Chapter Nineteen

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Chloe's POV

We walk together awkwardly, I think. I finally speak something to him. "I'm so sorry about my friends..." He chuckles and both of his hands are in his pockets. "Nah, that's okay. They seem very nice you know. Well... Lizzie is kinda scary when she's mad." "Trust me, she's a nice girl." "Yeah I can see that actually." I keep myself silent until we bumped into the devil himself. He's looking so damn hot today... He's wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The shirt kinda shows his muscular body. I'm totally into him right now... Wait, hell no! I can't! "Brett..." Jo greets him. I can see Brett's face is a mixture of 'what the hell?' and 'who are you again?' "Good morning, Mr. Dalton." "Good morning to you too, Chloe. I see you bring your friend to school." I cannot look at him anymore. I don't know, somehow I'm scared. "Umm yes sir. This is Jordan, my friend. He wants to go to our school's canteen because I told him that they sell lots of tasty foods." He only nods his head while Jo is looking very confused. "Okay, just make sure you don't come late on your first period. Oh and Jo, enjoy the food at our school's canteen." And with that, he walks away. I let out my breathe, relief. "Why did he pretend that he doesn't know me? He didn't even look like he knows you." We both walk again to the canteen. "Well, he's my teacher. That's why we can't be publicly interact like at the mall or my neighborhood." He nods his head. We finally arrive at the canteen. "Well, you can choose from western to asian food. I recommend the nachos, nasi goreng, and kimchi. Not eating all at the same time but those are very delicious. Ohh and for the dessert, try the frozen banana with oreo topping. I have to go to class now. See you later!" I rush away to my locker and take my chemistry book. I run to the chemistry lab and the bell rings just in time. I cannot think about anything right now.

Jo's POV

They're just teacher and student, but why do I get so jealous? I don't even deserve it. This feeling is controlling me and I can't handle it. Damn! "Here are your nachos and orange juice. Enjoy your meal." The canteen lady comes and put my orders on the table. "Thank you." I smile at her and she smiles back. My mind can't think straight right now. Should I confess? Nah... I have to make sure if my feelings are real. But if they're real, I should confess. It will ruin everything! It will totally ruin my friendship with Chloe! I don't want to loose her... I finally take the nachos. Damn, this nacho is so good. But it doesn't help me with my feelings...

Brett's POV

What is that son of a bitch doing here?! He's not even a student! Yeah I know the canteen is for public but still! Just by looking at his face makes me wanna punch him so hard that blood starts coming from his nose. I feel furious right now. I punch the wall but I don't care. After all, I'm in the music room right now where there's no one. Blood starts coming from my hand. I immediately take my bag and pull out an emergency kit. Yes, I'm aware that I will get myself hurt. I wrap the bandage around my hand. Still, I'm too furious because of that boy.



Fyi, I'm still alive and perfectly fine. But yeah... Not really updating much for my wattpad stories. I'M SO SORRY!! :(


Things are going up and down right now but yeah, no biggy.

Alsoooo I include How Deep Is Your Love because that song is so sick! I'm really into that song.

Anyway, hope you like this new update and feel free to comment and vote! Hasta la vista!

Mr. Bad Boy and I (ChloeBrett Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz