CHAPTER 4: Hangout

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(Y/n)’s POV

The sunlight hitting my face that is crossing through my bedroom window was trying to wake me up, but unfortunately I’m still too lazy to open my eyes. Suddenly I hear someone with an angelic voice calling my name out of nowhere. Luckily not a real Angel.

‘No, I won’t wake up….’

‘I’m still having a good dream here, stop disturbing it!’

She started poking my waist to wake me up. She even harshly wiggled my body and I just let out a groan. I can still hear a voice but decided to ignore it and enjoy my good sleep. But instantly opened my eyes wide and sat on my bed when a heavy palm hits my face. I furrowed my eyebrows and caress my cheek that is swelling from the pain while trying to examine the person who hit me.

“Ahhhh…. Geez that hurts. How can you hit me like that mom?” I groaned.

My eyes double widened and my drowsiness were now all gone when I saw a boy in front of me instead of a woman.

‘Shit, it’s not mom?!’

I repeatedly blinked my eyes and rubbed it with my hand to remove the blurriness of it and make sure that what I just saw is not an illusion.

“He-hey Shu-chan, what a coincidence seeing you here?”

Wait… Coincidence? Can I call it coincidence when he’s there standing right in front of me inside of my own…. Room?!!’

I shrieked when I understand the situation.

“How can you still sleep when it’s already quarter to 12pm?” He raised an eyebrow, giving me a stare while his arm bent making his hand stuck on his waist.

‘He’s not my mom, but act as a one.’

“How about you! How can you slap someone’s face when they’re peacefully sleeping and having a good dream?” I countered to him and pouted as my cheek puffed but he just chuckle a little bit to my childish action.

“You’re having a good dream? Good for you, just be thankful that I didn’t splash a cold water to you especially not a hot one.”

“That’s not something I should be thankful!” I retorts. “So why are you here?” I questioned looking at him with suspicion while raising an eyebrow.

“Don’t look at me like that. Do you really think I would tress pass your home?” When he didn’t receive an answer he let out a big sigh before he continue, “Your mom let us in. I don’t want to get arrested so tress passing is out of the question.” He then started to take a walk to leave out of my room.

But before he left, “Ohhh, and also I don’t really like to tress pass a home or a room just to see a shrimp idiot who’s actually ugly when they’re sleeping.”

“Yo-you trying to pick a fight with me??!!” I grab a white pillow beside me and throw it to him while I stuttered with my own words. He laugh at me when my face started to turn red because of embarrassment. ‘He doesn’t have to say the last sentence!!’.

‘Great! Just great….. Not even one pillow hit my target. How the hell did he dodge all of it! When last time he didn’t even had the chance to dodge a one freaking wooden bat!’

I was back from my thoughts when I realized something. “Wait….. Us?” I dumbly ask when he was about to leave, he halted and tilted his head on my direction.

“Yeah, the others are also here. We’re going somewhere.”

“Oh…. Okay, I’ll just take a bath for a minute.” He just smiled at me first before closing the door and completely disappear from my sight. When he already came out of my room still laughing because of what just happened, I got up and took a change of clothes then went into the bathroom and started taking a bath.

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