CHAPTER 7: Return

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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

'It's hot. Can't they atleast make it quicker?' A girl retorts inside of her head while her hands fanning her face because of the hot surrounding.

(Y/n) was currently outside of her classroom, waiting for the teacher to call her inside. Some students inside of the room were trying to peep from the window to examine their new classmate.

"It's a girl?" A female who is inside the room asked his male classmate, who is trying to peek outside and carefully not to draw the girl's attention to his figure.

"Yeah... I can't really see her face. She's facing her back here." He answered squinting his eyes to scanned the female outside more clearly. "What a beautiful black hair..." The boy murmured into thin air.

The female sulks, quietly stomping her feet with her frowned expression. "I was hoping for a boy."

"Then drag a boy from the other classroom."

"I can't do that. Girls tends want to encounter a new handsome face everyday." The male only shrugged on the female's remark before getting his attention back focused to the new student.

(Y/n) who hears some whispers from behind glanced at them from her right shoulder. As her gaze passed by, she didn't see any heads peeking out the window so she returned the gaze of her dark brown eyes back to her front.

"Mitsutada-san come in. Introduce yourself to the class." The teacher who is standing by the door ordered the new female student. (Y/n) quietly sauntered through the door. All eyes were fixated at her watching her stopped beside the table in front of the whole class. She take a look to her teacher who is still standing by the door. The teacher nods its head as a sign for her to start the introduction.

"Mitsutada (Y/n), pleased to meet you." She introduced herself before bowing. The whole room were covered in silence. Her classmates waiting for her to say something more about herself but soon disappointed because the girl's mouth remained shut.

"She's from Shinjuku. She was once live here at Shibuya. But if she needs something please help her in any ways." The teacher said while walking towards her new student. "You can sit there." The teacher pointed out, beckoning the empty seat near the window.

(Y/n) approached the chair and immediately take her seat. Soon the teacher started for a lecture, making all the students inside the room focused their attention to the woman infront.

Three subjects were done, and the last subject for the day is currently in session. (Y/n) in the corner remained silent not knowing how to start a conversation with her new classmates.

After all she's not used to chat with other people. By the time she goes to a certain library for spending some of her time, Akane is the one who started a conversation and make friends with her the very first time they met. Remembering her friends from Shinjuku made her sigh heavily. Her thoughts were cut by a sudden rang of the bell indicating the end of the student's class.

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