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Zero Wrens POV

Wells I just learned I'm part of a mandorian clan called Wren. And that I was stolen at the age of two weeks. Kriff thats a lot to take in. I think I should tells you the whole story before this one.

ZR-0000 POV

Hello, my name is unit commander ZR-0000. I woke up this morning, did the usual routine, as a First Order Elite should. When me and my squad were marching down the hallway, I felt something was wrong. Something was going to happen today. I shook off the feeling and continued to the training field. Our squad instructor was saying our new training routine.
"Kylo Ren will be inspecting our base today at 1400 hours." He said.
"Sir permission to speak," I asked him. He looked over to me with an brow raised.
"What is it, unit Commander?" He asked.
"Sir isn't a knight of Ren supposed to just be there for special ops back up sir?" I asked.
"And I thought I made you a unit commander for a reason Bridge-" the instructor cut himself off.
" I-I mean ZR-0000," he said it like if he was going to say it he'd die. My squad looked around confused. My squad is made up of ten. Zinger, Thrasher, Ringo, Long john, Reed, Prowler,Raleigh, Juliet, Bolder, and Zero,me. What happened next was..... interesting.


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"ENEMY FORCES!!!!!!" The lookout yelled.
" INCOMING!!!!!" I yelled. A drop ship appeared. This is a good time to escape with my squad, I thought. Then blasters stared firing. I made a follow me gesture to my squad and they knew it was time. We had been planning an escape for months. Now was our chance. We ran like kriff into the snowy forest.

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