The Encounter of the Purge Troopers

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Zero Wren's POV

I was walking down the corridor to my ship, when something hit the haul. Jacen came stumbling down the corridor with his hand on the wall. The haul got hit again and I had to put my hand on the wall.

"Zero! It's an Elite cruiser, find cov-" before he could say anymore he got knocked down a different hallway.

"Jacen!" I called. No answer. I need to find the squad, I thought. I put my helmet on for extra head protection. Then the electrical power went out, and the ship was at peace.

"Oh kriff, they're boarding," I mumbled.

Zero age 16

I was getting ready for my fifth deployment. The other ones were such a success, they wanted us to go on more. I walked to the juvenile barracks and stepped in.

"Unit Commander on Deck!" Longjohn shouted as he sprang from his bed to salute me, so did everyone else. I saluted them back.

"At ease," I said firmly and they went back to getting ready. I put my gear on since we already wear our uniform daily.

"Raven Point I presume," Zinger said.

"Probably," Juliet responded.

"No, this time were going to Alpha Point," I answered them.

"Alpha!? But were just juveniles!" Raleigh shouted. I looked at him with a what-did-you-just-say look.

"I-I mean, yay, Alpha Point," Raleigh corrected himself.

"That's what I thought. Don't question Command," I scolded him. Officer Lee stepped into the door.

"If you want that Alpha Point mission then you better move your butts to the Transport carrier," Officer Lee informed.

"SIR, YES, SIR!" We responded back.

"Then get going!" He told us.

"Unit, March!" I shouted. We moved in a straight line to the bay, into the carrier. When we turned our heads, we saw...... Purge Troopers!? Those were the Most Elite Adult Squad, or the MEAS. They were rough people to mess with. We turned our heads straight and waited for the mission.

Zero Wren present time.

If I remember correctly on that Alpha Point mission, they scared the living kriff out of us. And as I said, tough people to mess with. I had to find a I ran to the armory and grabbed a GDS-506 blaster assault gun.

 I ran to the armory and grabbed a GDS-506 blaster assault gun

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(This thing)

I carefully poked my head out of the corridor to see no-one there. It was until I heard a Lightsaber ignite that I was acknowledged that someone was out there. I quickly ran to the next corner without sound. My heart was thumping until my eyes realized.... it was a red one.

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