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You were friends with the boy some time. Almost a year actually. You really liked each other with the curly hair boy, he  was always trying to put the smile on your face and so do you.  From the day you met you quickly liked each other and became friends! Then you became best friends ! Yeah you were really happy that you have a friend like that.
After the Casita was ruined you and the others help building it again. Few day before this incident you were feeling weird when spending time with Camilo but.. From day to day it becomed stronger. You were blushing deeply when you saw him, you were looking at him all time, your heart was beating so fast when you were with him. You  couldn't stop thinking about him..after 2 days you realized that you.. Fell in love with him. You helped Madrigals with building Casita again.. And? After some days it was yours one year friendship aniversarry. You baked some cookies with help of (chose who you want to bake with♡) . You weared in your pretiest outfit and runned to the Madrigals house.
You didn't plan to confess your feelings to him, atleast now, because you didn't know if he also feels something to you. When you where almost at the house you saw Pepa  walking.When she saw you a moment later she waves to you.
- Good morning Y/n! - she said smiling and a rainbow appeared  Above her head.
- good morning  mrs Pepa- you said smiling
You  stand and start to think, you wanted to ask her is Camilo awake but.. She started ship you with him since Dolores telled the family that he had some New friend.  Pepa really liked you she thinked that you are such kind and sweet person but she knowed something important that you don't know.
- what brings you here Y/n you want me to call Camilo here? - she asked smiling to you and looking at your clothes. She  was really happy
-   Oh if you can mrs! We have the one year friendship aniversarry so I bring him something! - you said blushing lightly and smiling
Pepa  laughed kindly and Taked you to Casita.
- you are such a sweet person Y/n I'm happy that he got a Girlfriend/boyfriend - oh sorry I mean a best friend like you-  Pepa said this laughing a bit.
You blushed on the word "girlfriend".You want to be with him but that's impossible so yeah.. But you knowed Pepa ship you with him so you smiled.
- CAMILO-  Pepa said loudly
- WHAT MAMA? - Camilo also said loudly

Then you remined yourself of Dolores.. Poor Dolores her ears must  died at this moment.
- COME DOWNSTAIRS NOW! - said Pepa loudly again
Camilo sighed  and after a second he come out of his room, he comes to the stairs and you blushed deeply.
He was still in pajama and his hair was messy right now, but for you he looked so cute. You laughed nervously. Camilo looked at you with shocked and change his shape like five times. He was blushing  that his face was red like a tomato.  He  runned back to his room. Pepa looked at you and your blush and smiled happily , a rainbow again appear  above her head.
When Camilo comes back he was dressed and runed fast down the stairs but.. Casita
made the stairs turn as if the slide were straight so the boy fell into you falling with you and changing shape several times. Once he was on you  , he looked back like him again. Your face was 4 cm away from him and you blushed really deeply like him. When he finally understand what happened Camilo standed up and gived you a hand to help you get up.You two was to embarrased to talk but his mom who have seen this situation, couldn't take this anymore and said.
- Oh Camilo just tell her/him! - she said with a smile.
You looked on her and then on him still blushing.
- tell what? - Camilo asked looking at his mother.
- oh don't play a fool Camilo! Y/n Camilo really really lo- Pepa started saying this but Camilo interupted her.
- Mom stop! Y/n nevermind let's go- he said  because he was so embarrassing
- Camilo but.. Tell me what you wanted to tell-  you said blushing .
Camilo blushed more and looked at you and then at the floor.
- should I say this? - Pepa asked messing with him
- NO , NO  MAMA! -  Camilo says this loudly and blushed more
- so said it , I'm gonna leave you two~- Pepa said this and go upstairs.
- what does your mother mean? Tell me please- you asked nervously and your heart was beating fast
Camilo a taked deep breath and sighed

You blushed more and smiled. You were filled with happiness right now. You gived him a little kiss on the cheek, he had his eyes closed all the time so he was shocked. You start laughing because Camilo was looking like a tomato right now.
- I love you too Camilo, you are so sweet hermoso/hermosa - you said smiling
He hugs you so hard that you too fall on the floor laughing.
- WOOOHOOO! BRAVO MY SONN!- Felix screams from upstairs
- I love you hermoso/hermosa- Camilo said that and kissed your cheek

Sorry for mistakes! ♡and thank you so much for the stars and thanks to people who read this! Thank you this means a lot too me♡♡I'm happy you are reading my preferences! Have a nice day/ evening/night! ♡

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